View Full Version : Area Schedule : Design Options

Chad Smith
2004-04-16, 12:55 AM
I am working on my first project that uses design options.

I have created 2 area plans that are of the same level, and have set the design options visibility settings accordingly for each plan.

I then add an area boundary and it shows up on both plans. This goes for the tags too.
How are you supposed to differentiate between the 2 different design options? I have walls on one option that are not on the other, and would also like to be able to give the same room a different tag name depending on the design option.

2004-04-16, 01:23 AM
You'll need a different Area Scheme (Gross Building and Rentable are the defaults, but others can be made) for each area scheme that you want to measure. Area lines within a given scheme can cross options, phases, etc.

Chad Smith
2004-04-16, 01:45 AM
Well that worked fine but...

How do I make my newly created Area Scheme calculate the gross area like the default Gross Building scheme, not the internal area?

2004-04-16, 02:23 AM
Use the scheme you created, set the option visibility to what you want, and rather than picking the walls with the area boundry tool, use the draw option, and draw the boundry lines at the ext face of the walls.

It'll then calculate correctly.

I know of no way to change an area scheme view, via a properties dialog from say, scheme 1 to scheme 2.

2004-04-17, 01:04 PM
At this time, there is only one gross area scheme.

We are aware that this is a limitation and a request to allow for multiple gross area schemes to be able to be created in a project has been placed with our development team.