View Full Version : Revolve showing polygone sides

2006-02-13, 10:19 PM
I have created a few cylindrical families using the revolve tool. The plan of the mass it creates displays as a polygon (several equal sides making a roughly circular shape). Is there anyway to change a setting or something so that the family appears as a smooth circle?

2006-02-13, 10:36 PM
Is it your graphics card making it look this way. I created several cylinders and mine are all fine. Are you using Revit Building 8.1?

2006-02-13, 10:43 PM
You can always turn the visibility of the modeled object off, and show / represent the object with Symbolic or Model lines.

2006-02-13, 10:50 PM
I don't think it is my graphics card because I can draw circles and extruded circles and they work fine. I am using Revit 8.1. I have added a model line showing the perimeter of the object so that I can lay it out properly in plan view. I've attached a sample family as an example. Does it show up okay on your computer?
Thanks for your help,

2006-02-14, 05:23 PM
I don't know why your file is doing that. My first thought was the fact you had splines in there but did one here with splines and it was fine (unfortunately forgot to save that one last night). When I add to yours it shows as polygons as well. I created one on the fly here and it is fine. I have attached it so maybe you can redo yours on this file.

2006-02-14, 06:14 PM
Isn't there a setting for how many facets a curve gets displayed as...? can't remember now where it is though... maybe someone else will be able to point it out!

2006-02-14, 06:15 PM
that is exactly it. I looked at his file and the cyl is very small compared to what I did when I do one as small as his it displays as polygons as well. I can't remember if you can change that or not I get ADT and Revit setting confused alot.