View Full Version : Tag Your IT

Cathy Hadley
2004-04-16, 04:48 PM
I'm having Tag troubles.

My goal... create a wall tag that that contains both the type parameters & some new instance parameters...

Can I add a filter parameter to a wall?

Maybe it should just be two seperate tags... one wall tag... one keynote - instance ... ?

Any insights?


2004-04-16, 05:59 PM
Try making a shared parameter

Cathy Hadley
2004-04-18, 04:40 PM
thanks... I did try that...

Here is what I did perhaps someone can point out the error of my ways...

I made a shared parameter... added to the tag family.

When I add the tag to the project... only the type piece is editable... the shared parameter reads whatever the default value is ... no chance to edit it...
Do I somehow have to attached this shared parameter information to the wall family?

I am trying to use the shared parameter as a label... but there is no option (that I can see) to make it an instance?

For now we are going with a modified wall tag and will just put the info we want into the description portion...

Still seems like there should be a way.


2004-04-18, 05:51 PM

It sounds like you need to make one more step - add project parameter for walls. After you made a new shared parameter its definition is recorded in the external file of shared parameters. One usually needs to do two more things: (A) make a tag that would suck parameter values from elements (in your case walls) and (B) make all walls start using new parameter. You did (A) but it does not look like you hollowed with the step (B). In your project press Settings | Project Parameters and either add or modify your parameter and make sure it is applied to all objects of Wall category. That should make new parameter appear in properties of walls and should make your tag functional.

HTH. Let us know how it works out.


Cathy Hadley
2004-04-20, 12:55 AM
Awesome... thanks... I figured I was missing something....

I'll play with it and let you know...


2009-04-01, 08:30 PM
LRaiz, thanks for your comments. I also found this process useful in creating multi-category keyed notes.