View Full Version : Documentation check sheet.

2006-02-15, 01:05 AM
I had a check sheet back in Namibia that we used in the office as a check sheet for info on drawings. In the move to Australia I seem to have misplaced it, somewhere in a dark corner is a disk with all my info, never to be found.......
It broke down the components into site plan, plans, elevations, sections, etc..
We have a new person in the office and I was going to give it to her, as everything is new to her.
Any help out there would be appreciated.

2006-02-15, 01:24 AM
I had a check sheet back in Namibia that we used in the office as a check sheet for info on drawings. In the move to Australia I seem to have misplaced it, somewhere in a dark corner is a disk with all my info, never to be found.......
It broke down the components into site plan, plans, elevations, sections, etc..
We have a new person in the office and I was going to give it to her, as everything is new to her.
Any help out there would be appreciated.
Thanks,Hi Tobie
will something along these lines do...

2006-02-15, 02:03 AM
Hi Tobie, welcome to Oz

This is by no means and exhaustive list, but helps to make sure we have some checks and balances.

Regards Steve

2006-02-16, 04:35 AM
Thanks guys.
This will get me started. Will post "my list" when I have completed it.