View Full Version : Legend Components

2006-02-15, 10:58 PM
I've created a gate family - a non-wall-based door that has all the frames and bars modelled. I've been trying to place the gate in a Legend as a legend component. However, when I try to place the component, it tells me that I can only place a legend component as a PLAN view. I am not given the option to place a legend component in ELEVATION. For the life of me I cannot isolate what allows families to be shown as a legend component. I have tried configuring the properties, adjusting sub-category and material parameters. I have even noticed that there are model lines that show up in elevation, but no massing. I have also checked visibility settings for the massing. I'm at the end of my knowledge and resources. Any thoughts?


2006-02-15, 11:25 PM
Is it possible that you have the visibility of the model family geometry turned off in the elevation views ?

Or maybe you have detail settings for the model visibility. The legend view may be set to a detail level that does not show the model.

2006-02-16, 10:53 PM
OK - so I think I isolated the problem, but i am still unable to find a work around. My family wasn't a free floating generic object, but was rather a floor based generic object turned into a door (its a gate to be scheduled as a door). I created a similar family, being floor based, and I was only given the option to create a legend component in PLAN. Beegee, you have an idea how to get around this? Thanks

2006-02-18, 03:34 AM
I can confirm that a floor based generic family will only allow a plan view in a legend. I doubt that is the intended functionality. You may wish to file a support request on this issue.

To work-around - Copy the object from the original floor based family to a new Generic Family template ( non hosted ). You will need to re-establish parameters in the new family.
Load that family into the project and the legend will allow elevation views.

OK - so I think I isolated the problem, but i am still unable to find a work around. My family wasn't a free floating generic object, but was rather a floor based generic object turned into a door (its a gate to be scheduled as a door). I created a similar family, being floor based, and I was only given the option to create a legend component in PLAN. Beegee, you have an idea how to get around this? Thanks