View Full Version : Naming conventions

Chad Smith
2004-04-19, 12:52 AM
The Background
Currently I am the sole Revit user in our office, and only use it to produce preliminary concept drawings for the clients, so therefore I don't get to use the full range of tools as they are not needed.
But the other day I placed an order for our second license. This will be used by one other user to continue on with my concept drawings to do the construction documentation, and also used as a first step towards getting the whole office up on Revit.

The Issue
Because Revit is so vast in it's customisation of families and styles, myself and the other Revit user are going to sit down and create a list of Object Styles, Materials, etc. so when we make our families and prototype file there is some form of consistency.

My Question
What naming conventions are people here using?

The things I am interested in are:
Object Styles
Family 'Filenames'

I've also noticed that certain characters won't work for some situations.
For example:

[] - Can't use in family filenames where there is an associated type catalogue. And can't be used in Object Styles or Materials.

, - Can't use a comma in a Material name if you are planning on using materials in a type catalogue.

Have people written office Standards manuals describing the processes and conventions?
I wrote our office AutoCAD Standards manual but that was only because of my experience in the software.
I've been using Revit for over a year now, but still consider myself a newby, and would like to hear others opinions and experiences. If you could post proto files and standards manuals as examples that would be great. (I understand that some my be reluctant to do that, and that's fine)

2004-04-19, 01:33 AM
Firstly, read David Conants "Revit Content Creation Standards" in this topic (www.zoogdesign.com/forums/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=1811&highlight=)

Secondly, read David Conants Content Creation Standards ...... :wink:

Chad Smith
2004-04-19, 01:46 AM
Beegee, that's a pretty good start.
Do you admin people have a more advanced search engine than us average Joe's. :wink: I couldn't find anything.

2004-04-19, 08:01 AM
I thinkits just a memory ofr what has been posted before.