View Full Version : confused by room scheduling

Martin P
2004-04-19, 08:41 AM
First thing to mention is I have hardly ever used the scheduling features of Revit so its a pretty new subject to me......

When doing a room schedule for a building that is a semi detatched house (ie dwellings - 1 building) I want to be able to only display the room tags for one of them. I can do this by dragging the part of the schedule I dont want off the page. I also want first floor room areas, and ground floor room areas on separate schedules - again I can do this by splitting the schedule and numbering the rooms in a manner that thay stay together on the schedule. Now I want totals for the gound floor areas, and totals for the first floor areas, but I can only get Revit to display a total for all the rooms in the building? is there a way to get several totals to display for the rooms in each of my schedules? or how would I make Revit create several schedules instead of just 1 big one?

Phil Palmer
2004-04-19, 08:53 AM

Look at the sorting Tab avaialble now (since V6) under the schedule properties.
This gives you the ability to provide a room schedule of say ONLY the first floor.
So you would just duplicate the schedules and change the filtering etc. to get the seperate schedulkes on your sheets.

Saves the old dragging info. off the sheet that you dont want to see

Check it out !

Phil Palmer
2004-04-19, 08:53 AM
Filtering Tab - Not Sorting

Sorry about that

Martin P
2004-04-19, 09:05 AM
Brilliant!! I just duplicated the schedule a couple of times, and changed the filtering options in the different views, works a treat :D really like the scheduling now, before it seemed hard to get it to display what I wanted, easy now with these filters, thx! I have kept 1 schedule though that displays all the rooms to work in, I really like this scheduling stuff, nice start to my week :lol: