View Full Version : How to make a tunnel

2006-02-17, 10:27 AM
Hi all,
I know this thread has been already discussed here but maybe somebody in the meantime has reached a new solution or workaround to make a tunnel or how to "cut" a topo in such way.
Thanks in advance! Any ideas will be very appreciated.

2006-02-17, 10:57 AM
Hi all,
I know this thread has been already discussed here but maybe somebody in the meantime has reached a new solution or workaround to make a tunnel or how to "cut" a topo in such way.
Thanks in advance! Any ideas will be very appreciated.

I believe the ATP class is a good place to get step by step solutions. Come inhere (http://www.augi.com/education/schedule.asp?page=292), register for ATP108 or similar, download the Segment 1 PDF file. Return for Segment 2, 3 and any other additional information posted there. Remember to visit the class forums for further discussions or questions.

I hope this helps.


2006-02-17, 11:04 AM
Ooops!!! :Oops: Sorry I am an AutoCAD user just learning Revit. Please disregard my earlier post. The ATP class could still help though.


2006-02-17, 02:45 PM

Try this - assuming ground level is zero throughout.

1 - make some topo, flat in this example. Set poche to -300.
2 - split topo to make tunnel entrance
3 - split remaining topo to make tunnel exit
4 - delete little bits of topo at entrance and exit to tunnel.
5 - make new subcategory of site and call it say 'subterranean solid', set material to same as poche material.
6 - model new solid in site category and subterranenan solid subcategory from -300 to whatever lower level suits.
7 - Cut voids in resultant solid to match entrance and exit from tunnel and run of tunnel.
8 - line tunnel with in-place solids or with walls and floors as necessary.

Its okay. It's a little clumsy and only works with tunnels in flat surfaces. Voids won't cut topo so you can't easily cut a tunnel through the side of a hill. I did play around in AutoCAD to see if you could do it there by modelling your topo, exporting it, cutting a void and then reimporting the solid, but I couldn't work out how best to do it as my AutoCAD skills are toooo rusty.

2006-02-17, 09:24 PM
please post details of tunnel even if you have to sketch it.
you can do the export to dwg and import to create a mass family then convert the surface to a really thick roof made of earth then model the tunnel as a void with the sweep tool or as a solid and subtract it from the body of the earth "roof"

2006-02-18, 08:54 PM
you cannot tunnel through the edge of a roof.
maybe if you made it a generic family first
maybe you have to use rhino first
maybe we should have all the tools already
i mean you cannot sweep a curved profile anyway
this is a high end cad programme
here's hoping in 9

Andre Baros
2006-02-18, 09:52 PM
I think this was addressed in this thread a while back:
if the link doesn't work, search for "wine and topo" and make sure to look back more than 1 year, this was answered in 2004.

2006-02-19, 08:47 PM
Surface exported to rhino as .sat
Lines on surface converted to rhino lofted surface
Lofted converted to solid by surface extrusion
Pipe added to make tunnel
Pipe subtracted
.sat export to Revit
Hollow boxes, solid tube - yuk
Apply curtain wall to tube and maybe surface (you would use the topo to get poche).

Could have done this in Revit by creating massing family using sweep tool for tunnel (idea is to beat flat plane tunnel problem) i.e tunnel path is in 3D space not 2D space. and applying solid panel curtain wall set to small enough grid divisions to make curved surfaces (very slow)
So how do you beat poche cutting through tunnel?
A filled region of course - easy if tunnel is a regular section-you could group regions for wall and void of tunnel and just plonk them on your sections as groups or even 2D families - at least the location of the section relative to the surface will be correct.
Or go get Civilcad.
Boy talk about fishing for crabs in space shuttles.

2006-02-20, 05:35 AM
what we really need is for the poche to be modelled as a solid, if it isn't already, so we can subtract solid things from it like profile generated voids and solids using cut geometry tool etc.How does the site pad tool work anyway?