View Full Version : Wall Tags

2006-02-18, 07:22 PM
Okay, it's Saturday, brains not quite up to it...

Needed to use wall tags for the first time today. Getting a tag onto a wall is easy enough. Then what? How do I get that into a schedule/legend/whatever?

It's really difficult to keep focused and think something through when your mind keeps wandering outside......


2006-02-18, 11:15 PM
The OOTB wall tag is most likely a type mark tag. You can create other wall tags of course.

You don't necessarily need to have a tag placed to schedule the wall properties, this could be done from the fields in the schedule as well ( bi directional associativity ). ie If you have a field for Type Mark, you can add the type mark there rather than have a tag. If you do have a tag, the type mark will fill in from the tag. If you change the type mark field in the schedule, the tag will update.

To create a schedule, select the Schedule / Quantities button from the View design bar, then select the schedule type ( wall in this case ) and then add the fields for the schedule, then filter, Sort Group, Format and Appearance.

2006-02-20, 03:05 PM
Okay, it's Monday, and I'm still not 'getting it'.

I have included a jpeg of the schedule this particular client wants to see (or at least something close to it).

All I have so far are EMPTY tags on walls, and don't know how to go from these to produce the "schedule" the client wants.

I appreciate your help and patience.


2006-02-20, 03:18 PM
Not much help. You need to give us the schedule view so we can see what fields you've scheduled.

2006-02-20, 03:36 PM
Okay, it's Monday, and I'm still not 'getting it'.

I have included a jpeg of the schedule this particular client wants to see (or at least something close to it).

All I have so far are EMPTY tags on walls, and don't know how to go from these to produce the "schedule" the client wants.

I appreciate your help and patience.

If you're using the OOTB wall tag, you need to define the type mark parameter for each wall type you're using. The type mark you assign the wall will show up in your wall tag. In your wall schedule add the "Type Mark" and "Family and Type" to the scheduled fields.

2006-02-20, 04:08 PM
Here's what I have come up with so far.

Am I correct that I must assign 'styles' to walls (like colored room key) to produce a schedule of wall mark/description in a schedule like the aforementioned jpeg ?

Thanks again for your help and continued patience.


Edit: Close, Mr. Corvallis, but I don't want to see Family Type, and I need more specificity in the description, and I'll settle for "W1" but it would be great if I could get the symbol along with the W#.

Am I asking for too much from Revit?

2006-02-20, 04:45 PM
Close, Mr. Corvallis, but I don't want to see Family Type, and I need more specificity in the description, and I'll settle for "W1" but it would be great if I could get the symbol along with the W#.
Try this. For each wall, under Type Properties > Identity Data > Description, enter the description you want for each wall. Then just schedule the "Type Mark" and "Description" fields.

2006-02-20, 05:19 PM


What a great way to start my dismal-weather Monday in Atlanta (37 deg F and drizzly), with new EMPOWERMENT!

Thanks, guys and gals of Revit Forum, I am going to blow the socks off the client when I get HIM to drive Revit and he throws a wall schedule onto a sheet so easy (so long dyno-cad).


The Captain