View Full Version : Toposurface phasing???

2006-02-20, 12:21 PM
Hi I am having trouble understanding what ‘Creating an object style subcategory’ actually means with regards to Toposurface creation!’ I have run though the Using site tools tutorials available in Revit twice now and I am still confused about what I am really doing in this instance.

If you want to have a Toposurface in the existing phase, but then make alterations to that Toposurface in the new construction phase. Do you duplicate the Toposurface and then make the one existing and the other new construction? Is there any other way of doing this?

I am having trouble understanding what ‘Creating an object style subcategory’ actually means with regards to Toposurface creation!’ I have run though the Using site tools tutorials available in Revit twice now and I am still confused about what I am really doing in this instance! Am I possibly solving my problem mentioned above by creating a subcategory or are they not related at all.

Any advice will be great

Craig Howie

2006-02-20, 01:32 PM
If you want to have a Toposurface in the existing phase, but then make alterations to that Toposurface in the new construction phase. Do you duplicate the Toposurface and then make the one existing and the other new construction? Is there any other way of doing this?If you use the graded region tool, you will be prompted to either place the topo you plan to grade (change) in a previous phase. Once you select it with the grading tool, it will open, you add the modified points, and once finished, a new surface is created in the current phase.

If you have your phase filter for the view set to "show all", and are looking at a shaded view, you'll see the previous surface as red.

As for your other question, if I understand you correctly, creating subcategories in object styles is not related to topo surface creation & grading disscussed ablve.


2006-02-20, 04:47 PM
I am a new user who has also gone through the Tutorial Site Tools.

Perhaps the following thought may need to become a Revit Wish List Item, unless somebody knows a way to do what I am needing:

As an architect, topography needs to be viewed on plan in the same way that the altered walls in a remodeling project are currently handled by Revit.

In other words, just as remodeled walls are currently manipulated in Revit by graphic line styles and construction phases for those walls (e.g. EXISTING, PREVIOUS, DEMOLISHED, and NEW) ------ there needs to be the very same capability for explaining altered toposurfaces on a plan.

But I cannot find such a capability.

Am I missing something as a new user?

Any input would be greatly appreciated.

2006-02-20, 06:38 PM
In a site plan view, containing your altered topo, check the view properties, and set the phase filter to "show all". Any demolished topo lines from the previous topo will show up as dashed, the default graphic overide in settings/phases under the graphic overide tab.

You can tweak how it shows undrer that tab, by changing colors or linestyles...