View Full Version : How to show 'EQ' dimensions when not in a string?

Exar Kun
2006-02-20, 10:23 PM
How can I make an 'EQ' dimensions when they are not in the same string? i.e. I have glass at either end of a window with an inconsquential length in the centre and I want to dimension the two outer elements as equal without dimensioning the centre.

2006-02-20, 10:48 PM
Erm, text overlay, I'm afraid. I don't believe there is an alternate method

2006-02-20, 10:52 PM
If I understood your question well you want to dimension :

Lenght A >< Variable Lenght B >< Lenght A
where Lenght A must stay equal and locked.

Try this

Dimension the object
Right click on the dimension
Select EQ Display
Lock both EQ signs

Exar Kun
2006-02-20, 11:39 PM
Thanks guys.

Eddy - I don't want to dimension the 'length B' at all. Just the two 'length A's and say they are equal.

Text overlay it is then. :)

2006-02-21, 07:10 AM
You can also use the prefix or suffix option on the dimension and add EQ with the dimension.

2006-02-21, 07:18 AM

Try placing a Reference Plane in the centre of the window.
Now dimension from the Outer Left element to the Center RP and then to the Outer Right element. Set EQ
After that, dimension from the Inner Left element to the Center RP and then to the Inner Right element.
Set EQ.

That should establish the outer dimesions as Equal , no matter what the inner dimension is.

Does that work for your situation ?

How can I make an 'EQ' dimensions when they are not in the same string? i.e. I have glass at either end of a window with an inconsquential length in the centre and I want to dimension the two outer elements as equal without dimensioning the centre.

2006-02-21, 01:20 PM
If it is a window family, make a parameter for outer window length and set it to both ends. This is another way to always keep them equal.

2006-02-22, 07:39 PM
Here's how to do it:

Follow the steps with the attached image.

Step 1:
Place a reference plane somewhere between the two outermost elements of the dimension string and place a dimension only to those 3 elements. Set them as EQ.
Step 2:
Pre-set your two outside elements as equal values (dimensions shown for explanation only)
Step 3:
Select the EQ-EQ dimension string, pick the Edit Witness Lines button. Add witness lines by selecting the two midway elements and de-select the refrence plane. Then select the dimension line and lock the outside EQ-EQ values. You can then stretch the length of the wall and the EQ-EQ remains. Also, you can add as many extension lines between the EQ-EQ values as you want.

You can modify the EQ values by selecting the outermost element, unlock and manually set the value. You have to do this to both sides and the EQ-EQ will return. Remember to re-lock the EQ-EQ.


Exar Kun
2006-02-23, 03:58 AM
Thanks Brad but I think you misinterpreted what I was asking. :)

I shouldn't have used a window as my example as that was confusing so I've attached an example of what I mean. Tobie and Peter picked up on what I was saying.

In the attached example I've had to use opaque text to get the two dimensions to show equal. I don't necessarily want to know the exact dimension displayed (so no prefix/suffix) and I don't necessarily want to show a dimension in between them either.

So it does indeed look as though the opaque text overlay is the only option.

Thanks anyway mate. :)

2006-02-23, 04:05 AM
I would probably just show the dimensions and maybe a text note saying that they should be EQ.

2006-02-23, 09:17 AM
We still can't achieve what exar is aiming at but I have to say Brad's tip is excellent and will be very handy.

2006-02-23, 01:48 PM
...Thanks Brad but I think you misinterpreted what I was asking...Just a comment, quibbling with your example. The "EQ" is nearly as lacking in meaningful info as providing no value since "EQ" doesn't tell how big "EQ" is. I'd be inclined to use a window tag to do this particular task since two windows marked "A" would tell someone the same thing, they are the "same" and in the schedule or legend they'd find more detail.

2006-02-23, 01:49 PM
I'm going to agree with Steve. Using a tag in your case is the best solution.

2006-02-23, 02:18 PM
As a try out I created a dummy Text Font. witch enable me to display "EQ only " in Dimension Style(s)
- all numbers in a common Dim. String are left blanc.
- all Dim. Strings containing numbers and EQ sign(s) show only "EQ"
as is the case below.

2006-02-23, 04:37 PM
Going off of Steve's comment, I have to ask why would you need to show such a situation? I am having a hard time trying to think of a situation where the attached example would be usefull enough to go to the trouble of a work-around.

2006-02-23, 05:01 PM
In refurb in the UK it is not unusual to place a number of openings in a wall and simply state EQ for the centre lines or residual structure.

I can't imagine that practice is UK unique.

Exar Kun
2006-02-24, 01:44 AM
In refurb in the UK it is not unusual to place a number of openings in a wall and simply state EQ for the centre lines or residual structure.

I can't imagine that practice is UK unique.
Indeed. I think I just keep picking bad examples. :D

Andre Baros
2006-03-02, 07:45 PM
Thanks for the tip Brad, I'm using it all the time now.

2006-03-03, 06:32 PM
Here's how to do it:


This would be a great one for Tips & Tricks.
