View Full Version : Schedule Rooms from Linked File

2006-02-20, 11:44 PM
Ok, I have a project where there are two different buildings on a single site. I have them linked together, and I set up the door schedule & window schedule to include elements from linked files and sort them by a custom parameter stating which building they are in. This works great & I have a schedule listing door and window by building.

I tried to do this with the finish schedule, however, and nothing happened. By that I mean that I checked "include elements from linked files" just as I had done with doors & windows, and no additional rooms came in. Anyone know if it is possible to get rooms from a linked file to show up in a schedule? How is it done?


2006-02-21, 09:55 PM

When you link the file in do the room tags show up in the combined file?

2006-02-22, 12:01 AM
no they don't. I don't know that it's possible to display the tags from a linked model is it? Door tags and room tags don't show up either, but the elements still schedule...

I'm confused why they seem different than doors, and if they are not meant to schedule from linked files, why can I check the box?

Anyone else experienced this?

2006-02-22, 12:11 AM
You should be able to. Have you added a field from the Project Information category? The project is what makes each room distinct so you can include the Project Name for example. The rooms should show up in the schedule automatically though when you check the box. What about phasing? Are the linked files showing the correct phase and is the schedule set to the right phase?

2006-02-22, 03:38 AM
I would have thought that rooms would not schedule between linked files, because a room is not a physical object like a wall or a door, but a boundary that recognizes space. Since the room tags don't show up in linked files, I thought that the info was not transferring from the linked file. But I just tried linking a project into another and the room schedule showed all the spaces in the linked file.

I think Revit needs to give us some tool to tag rooms in linked files. Room names are view specific and I can understand why they don't show up. Maybe they can give us a Tag All Not Tagged command for rooms in linked files. It would be nice for our engineers using RS to know what each space is. I don't want to start exporting dwg files of room tags to re-import them in Revit.....if that works it might be the only work-around for now.

2006-02-22, 04:22 PM
You should be able to. Have you added a field from the Project Information category? The project is what makes each room distinct so you can include the Project Name for example. The rooms should show up in the schedule automatically though when you check the box. What about phasing? Are the linked files showing the correct phase and is the schedule set to the right phase?
Ok, phasing did it, thank you.

For anyone who has the same problem, I had to go into the view properties of the schedule, then into Visibility. It was set to display from the last phase (project completion) where all of our items were in the new construction phase.

Thanks steve

2006-07-06, 07:10 AM
Okay guys. Losing what little hair I have left. First I am in 8.1. Do not yet feel comfortable moving to 9.0 so stuck with certain limitations.

I have set up my project with a separate Details File so I do not have to spend time copying all details to each new project file. Becomes in essence a Detail Template file. Use Detail Template, keep current with new details and copy to each project as a separate file, use appropriate details, delete the rest.

I want to set up my sheets so that my project schedules are on same sheet as door details, wall details, etc. My workaround is to link Project File into Detail File. Run schedules to include linked files. Then all Schedule and Details can be on same sheet(s) out of Detail File printed to mesh with Drawings List of Project File..

Have used several excellent key schedule, door schedules, room schedule from these forums and really like how they work. Really put together nicely for package.

Problem is when I attempt to link Project File into Detail File (containing said schedules) I get a serious error and blowout. If I delete all schedules then Project File links fine. Then when I load new schedules in from Standards file I get another blowout.

Have searched forums for linked file issues, checked phasing to no avail. Any suggestion?


2006-07-08, 07:29 PM
Sorry for the late reply. But if you're getting fatal errors working that way, I would suggest an audit of each file and re-save (compact files) and if the problem persists, submit a Support Request. There should be no reason for getting such errors with what you're doing.