View Full Version : Mouse Curser Speed

2006-02-21, 05:20 PM
I use the Logitech Trackman Wheel. In all of my Windows applications the curser speed when I roll the ball is fine. In Revit it is dog slow. It takes me 5 movements with the thumb to cover the same distance as one movement in any other Windows application.

Is this normal? I can't seem to find a Revit setting for this. What am I missing?


Graham Briggs
2006-02-21, 05:33 PM
I have no info... but I have noticed that even click response is noticeably slower in Revit. Whether clicking in the graphic window or in a dialog box or menu, I have taken to "emphasizing" my clicks with a kind of push through the mouse button, instead of of a click.

2006-02-21, 05:54 PM




2006-02-21, 06:01 PM
Aaron, Many thanks. That did it.

2006-02-21, 06:08 PM
hmmm I'm using a Logitech mouse, but the driver on my computer is for my MS Intellipoint Wireless mouse that I use at home, because I had it hooked up to this computer at one point. I haven't noticed any problems w/ slow pointers.

2006-02-21, 06:57 PM
hmmm I'm using a Logitech mouse, but the driver on my computer is for my MS Intellipoint Wireless mouse that I use at home, because I had it hooked up to this computer at one point. I haven't noticed any problems w/ slow pointers.
When I was working with an Adsk reseller - I always recommended replacing the Logitech drivers with Microsoft drivers. That said - I have a 5 button Logitech I use with the Logitech drivers with no problems.

Wes Macaulay
2006-02-21, 08:28 PM
And I still recommend using the Logitech mice and their drivers! The drivers give better precision at the single-pixel level. Not needed most of the time I suppose, but good when you're Photoshopping.

Also the drivers allow programming of the buttons, and usually provide more control over the motion of the cursor. On the flip side we've noted several times in this forum that Logitech users may have to download the Advanced Settings Utility from Logitech to get the mouse speed constant between applications.

I'm using an MX518 at the office and an MX510 at home and I still love using both the mouse and the driver. For the newer Logitech variants you pretty much have to use their drivers to get the all the buttons working. I've noted that sometimes the middle wheel on the MX518 scrolls vertically in Revit rather than zooming; I downloaded the uberOptions add-on to Setpoint which gives you even more control over mouse settings.

2006-02-21, 09:16 PM
I have noticed this issue too, and i checked the setting in the control panel per those 4 posts, and i still cannot change it. Its not a huge deal, i suppose.

Im using a standard Dell optical mouse, and in the control panel i have the wheel set to 11 lines per rotation, which makes it fly thru stuff everywhere but revit. But in revit, it stills scrolls down the drawing/view tree sooooooo sloooooow, lol...

Graham Briggs
2006-02-22, 01:19 AM



I don't have a problem with the speed of motion of my cursor, just Revit's speed of response to my moused instructions. Maybe I just need to lay off the coffee for a while!

2006-02-22, 02:45 AM
I've noted that sometimes the middle wheel on the MX518 scrolls vertically in Revit rather than zooming; I downloaded the uberOptions add-on to Setpoint which gives you even more control over mouse settings.
We get this problem with every Revit installation and we use the 5 button Microsoft Intellimouse. To solve the issue, we run the troubleshooter, it gives you a list of applications, we select Revit, hit "fix" and somehow, it works. Not sure exactly what happens, but the scroll button works properly as the zoom after that. Sometimes the same problem occurs with ADT and we do the same thing.

2006-02-22, 06:33 AM
just got a Logitech V200 notebook cordless mouse and have not had any problems