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2006-02-22, 04:29 PM
Why can't I Trim or Extend lines while working inside an option?

Andre Baros
2006-02-22, 04:47 PM
You should be able to. Do you mean sketch lines or model lines or drafting lines.

2006-02-22, 04:52 PM
Yeah, you shouldn't have a problem. But please be more specific as to the problem you're getting and what you're wanting to do. Most of the lines, with the exception of model lines are view specific. Model lines are something that go 'thorugh' the project and will act like a model element. As you've probably run into to error "Design Option elements cannot be hosted by or be affected by non-option elements" this may be what you're running into. It's just not in the option. At least until we can get a better explanaiont! ;)


2006-02-22, 04:53 PM
Hi Devin,

It looks as though you can trim, etc Model Lines while editing an option, but not Detail Lines. The Detail Lines don't seem to be contained within the Option: They get drawn into the 'main' file (if you change Options, etc. the Detail Lines are still visible)

Hope that helps.

2006-02-22, 05:03 PM
Ya, it's drafting line I'm trying to draw. So I guess I should just use Model Lines instead

2006-02-22, 06:33 PM
Ya, it's drafting line I'm trying to draw. So I guess I should just use Model Lines instead I guess that depends on what it is that you're trying to show or do.

IF you're making a view that is specifically showing a particular Design Option (let's say a room that is a bedroom vs. a den), then you're going to have an independent view to show each Option. In each of these options, you may have different drafting Detail Lines (to represent ceiling treatments, etc.).

IF you place Model Lines in the Main Model they will show up in EVERY view, not just the one with the Option you're trying to show. The solution for this is to place the Model Lines within the Option you're working in. They will then only show when you choose to show that Option. However, remember that Model Lines show in all the views (plans, sections, elevations, 3d, etc.), so if you only want to represent something, like a ceiling treatment or optional cabinetry, then a Detail Line might be a better option.

You were originally having trouble editing/trimming the Detail lines. Just get out of the option, then you can edit them.

I hope this helps.


2006-02-22, 09:06 PM
I was just using them as reference lines to create a roof by extrusion. So the lines aren't going to be there permently. But all is well now, Thanks.

2006-02-22, 11:03 PM
I just checked and it seems to be that Drafting/Detail lines cannot be trimmed etc. during an Option Edit. However Model lines can be trimmed.
John Mc

2006-02-23, 12:24 AM
There's some logic to this (though not utility) as Detail Lines are view specific, unlike Options (have I got that nomenclature right? well, you get the point).