View Full Version : Weld Symbols

2006-02-22, 08:07 PM
Now I know this may sound a little picky, but what kind of a structural program only comes with Fillet Weld Symbols. Dose anyone have families for full pen welds, bevel bevel welds, J welds....Or a symbol for a weld all around?

Paul Andersen
2006-02-22, 08:42 PM
The weld symbol has everything you are looking for as instance parameters. Place the symbol and then right click properties on it. Under Graphics you can set up any symbol you wish. There is a Tail Note, Weld All Around and Field Weld toggle as well. Hope this helps.

2006-03-02, 01:16 PM
Have fun tweaking all the instance parameters for all around, field weld, and the tails note. They are all out of alignment. Just when you think you've got it figured out you try a weld symbol from the other side just to find out it's still screwed up.

2006-03-02, 07:09 PM
Yes, it looks like you can have an "all around" finish symbol on a flare-bevel weld...
Hopefully this will be improved in the near future.

2006-03-03, 08:03 PM
I can't even get the symbol to appear correctly. Why do they have the horizontal bar extend thru the weld all around symbol and extend past the field weld symbol. I'm starting to wonder if they have actual drafters working at Adesk or if it's nothing but programmers. I had to go thru this with ADT last and fix all the content there. Now I get to do it all over again. Can they come up with a decent set of industry standard symbols? I'm really starting to wonder.