View Full Version : Nurbs/Spline Roofing

2006-02-22, 09:08 PM
Having recently "tested the waters" regarding revits modelling capabilities in a previous thread I am creating a roof based on a ruled surface between two splines, however the control points of the splines have different z values making the splines 3D (non planar). I have currently modelled this in max however building maker doesnt like the form when imported as a dwg (won't select all the faces and even when it does behave the roof is a triangulated mess). Is there a way to create this roof cleanly as it is based on a ruled surface which can be modelled with the massing tools where the defining curves are 2D.

I'm probably flogging a dead horse over revit's modelling abilities however there might be some really neat ideas to deal with lines in 3D out there.....

2006-02-22, 11:06 PM
have you tried making the ruled surface in Acad and importing that as a surface? Just a thought. Max give a lot more points that RS would need to figure out what to do with. You also do this in ADT using the with this drape tool I believe (which would give you a mass element) which you can covert to a solid and then import. Just t thought.