View Full Version : Wall height limitation for room bounding?

2006-02-23, 05:29 AM
Is there a minimum height to how tall a wall needs to be for a room tag to recognize it as a bondary? I can't find info on this in the help or in the forum. I have some 3' tall walls on the second floor at the edge of a slab and the room tag isn't seeing them even though they're room bounding.

2006-02-23, 05:54 AM
Not sure about the height, but I do know that if your wall doesn't touch the floor or level (i.e. you could peek under it), it will not appear to the Tag as 'bounding'. Check the bottom offset distance.

Also, if walls cross (but do not join), this will void the bounding effect. Just split one of the walls and they will become bounding again.


2006-02-23, 06:16 AM
They're exactly on a level, no offset. If I make them 5'-0" tall, the tag recognizes them. Weird.

2006-02-23, 06:24 AM
Room areas are normally set to calculate at "system computed height ", which is 1000 mm above the level.
However, if the room area includes a room-bounding wall that is lower than the default system-computed height and no other room-bounding walls in the room area have a positive base offset from the level, then the system-computed height also defaults to 0.
If the room area includes a room separation line, the system-computed height also defaults to the level, or 0.

2006-02-23, 07:04 AM
Hmmm, thanks Beegee. So what you're saying is that there really isn't some limiting minimum. I just put some walls in a new file and set them to 3' (910mm) and even lower up to 2" (50mm) and the tag recognized the walls. For some odd reason though, in my project file it won't. I wonder what other condition could be causing this.....well I think I found which join is causing the problem although I haven't been able to fix it. There's a wall from Level 1 to Roof and another from Level 2 to roof. Parallel to this is the 3' wall sitting on Level 2 and they all clean up properly. It's drawn correctly but I can't figure out what's wrong. I just used a room separation line about 1/4" away from the short wall to solve it.

2006-02-23, 02:02 PM
did you edit the settings>Area Setting>room calculations to specify the lowest heigh of your wall?

2006-02-23, 03:27 PM
Thanks Scott, I actually didn't realize you could do this, but I had this setting left at system computed height. I figured what is causing the problem, but I haven't been able to fix it. It's a particular wall join made up of a wall from Level1 to the Roof, one from Level 2 to the Roof (90 degrees to each other) and a 3' high wall sitting on the floor slab edge on Level 2, in line with the 2 storey wall. I'll investigate it further after I get some presentation stuff out and if I can't figure it out, I'll try posting an example.

I had an entire area acting weird but using room separation lines, I found the offending join and everywhere else is being recognized. I temporarily solved the problem using a separation line. I also had something weird happening in color fills, where they were extending to the center of the wall even though the room bound went to the face of the wall. Couldn't figure out why either....deleted the color fill and re-inserted it and it displayed correctly.