View Full Version : Help with display

2006-02-23, 08:21 PM
On the left is the floor plan, on the right RCP. Floor plan view is the way I want my walls to show in RCP as well but can't figure out what is going on. Any help appreciated.

2006-02-23, 08:40 PM
is your fill set to be a hatch and displaying incorrectly?

2006-02-23, 08:53 PM
Fill is solid gray hatch.

2006-02-23, 09:11 PM

(edit) - is that a Fill Pattern that is SOLID...with a gray color
or a Fill Pattern is a Hatch pattern which is very tightly spaced?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

There are a couple of things that may be doing this. Typically, once you set your coarse color fill, it will be that way throughout the project. However, there are a few places where this can be overridden.

The first thing to check is your View Template assigned for your RCP. Is there an override anywhere in the walls area that is causing the black walls (instead of the gray)?

The second thing to check is the View visibility ( V-V setting ) for the view. Did this get messed up somehow and overridden?

The third is Phasing. We had attempted to use Phasing to control the coloring of the walls, as opposed to using Coarse/Medium/Fine settings. Check the setting and see that it's matching what your plan view is.

By the way... why are they in Wireframe mode.. and not Hidden Line mode?


2006-02-23, 10:39 PM
It is solid fill with gray color and is set in material definition to avoid problems just like this one. However, changing fill color in phasing settings solved the problem. Still scratching my head why display difference between PLAN and RCP.
Thanks Kyle