View Full Version : Dimension Vertices Move

2006-02-24, 12:43 AM
OS: Various: W2K, XP CAD: Autocad 2005 Files saved in 2000 format.

My CAD folks are having a problem with the vertices (excuse the potentially incorrect lingo, as I'm IT more than CAD) on dimensions moving after a drawing is saved.

For example, a dimension is set in paper space, the drawing is saved and at some point later the drawing is reopened and someone notices that a point of the dimension has moved to some random location. Usually it's moved horizontally or vertically from it's origin, a random distance.

If we lock the layer dimensions are written to, they do not move. We have pretty complex drawings with 2-5 different XREF'd drawings involved. The paper space we're working in only have one viewport.

We have about 5-6 CAD folks on the project, all with various OS's but all use Autocad 2005. We're quite puzzled as to why these dimension lines are moving around. I scanned this forum for previous issue like this and didn't find anything quite appropriate. A tedious search of Autodesk's knowledge base for just "dimension" didn't offer anything applicable.

I am the IT manager in our office so I don't know CAD well but I make a good intermediary (which is frequently my role).

Thanks in advance for any help you can offer!

2006-02-24, 01:09 AM

Have you looked into DimAssoc ?

Have a good one, Mike

2006-02-24, 04:27 PM
Being unfamiliar with the command myself, I did a quick search and found something relevant:


The discussion is unfinished and contradictory, but I can say our drawing is using dimassoc=2, which would appear to be what we want to use to retain the scale of the dimension with the scale of the drawing in paperspace.

I took this article to our CAD person and we looked at it in reference to our problem.

Changing dimassoc to 1 then modifying the layer to scale (we changed the scale from 1.000 to 96 for 1/8" scale) would also work, but tweaking the layer dimensions like this for every drawing after the project started isn't really an option for us.

Is the article above what you were referring to when you mentioned dimassoc? What SHOULD dimassoc be set to when working with dimensions in paperspace?

2006-02-24, 07:10 PM
I can say check drawing limits in model space.

2006-02-24, 11:06 PM
I can say check drawing limits in model space.

How will that help?
I know that many people don't even set limits anymore.

2006-02-24, 11:07 PM
Does the command "dimreassoc" make any difference?

2006-02-24, 11:52 PM
Is the article above what you were referring to when you mentioned dimassoc? What SHOULD dimassoc be set to when working with dimensions in paperspace?Hi

Plug the following into the forum search (http://forums.augi.com/search.php?) facility...

Key Word(s): DimAssoc

27 results should be returned ( correct on Friday 24th February 2006 @ 11:50pm GMT ).

Please note, I am not trying to be unhelpful here. I just believe you will be better off reading all the available information yourself, then making up your own mind on how you want to proceed.

Personally I do not Dimension in Paperspace, there are still one or two issues / problems with doing so. AutoCAD gets better with each release when it comes to placing Dimensions in Paperspace; once they have it fully cracked I will definitely start Dimensioning in Paperspace.

Have a good one, Mike

2006-03-01, 12:33 AM
I will ask if the drawing limits in model space have an impact on the dimensions we put in paperspace.

Dimreassoc doesn't impact the issue.

Thanks Mike for the suggestion. I went through a number of these posts before I created mine, but reviewed again to be thorough.

I suppose I'll just leverage my subscription with Autodesk to get some support with the issue. I was apprehensive about doing so before since I cannot reproduce the problem on command.

Dimensioning in paper space is not only supported by Autodesk, but it's recommended, so there must be a solution.

2006-03-01, 12:48 PM
I take it its not simply a case of somebody panning or zooming in an unlocked viewport?

I know its of no help to you in this instance but we only add dims in model space, imho there are too many things that can go wrong when adding them to paper space.

If you do get a solution to your problem from Autodesk then please do let us know, as other AUGI members may come across the same problem in the future.

Good luck.

2006-03-29, 11:05 PM
Our firm has the same issue...Dimassoc is set to 2...It occurs when we move from layout tab to layout tab as well.