View Full Version : Floors & Levels

2006-02-24, 06:12 PM
I have developed a rather complicated system of floors that are spiraling upward with multiple ramps that connected them all. My question for anyone is now that I have built this i have now realized that I need to move my LEVEL heights, however if do that my floors all want to shift with the new level height. Is there any to disassociate the all the floors from the levels with out having to select each on and stipulate a non connecting height.
Or is there a way to hide certain levels but not all - that would work too. I could simply establish new levels named similarly and hide the old ones. To my knowledge this is not possible however. Can anyone help!!!

Henry D
2006-02-24, 07:24 PM
Or is there a way to hide certain levels but not all - that would work too. I could simply establish new levels named similarly and hide the old ones. To my knowledge this is not possible however. Can anyone help!!!

Do you know about "Hide Annotation in View"? Right click on the line of the Level marker and select "Hide Annotation in View" and the level will become hidden. If you only have to hide a few levels this is a good way to do it.

2006-02-24, 07:46 PM
Yeah, I know how to do that but that will hide all the levels not just a select few won't it?? I still need to see my newly created levels.

Wes Macaulay
2006-02-24, 08:52 PM
I wouldn't create any more levels than you need; esp if those levels have plan levels associated with them. You could delete all the plans and RCPs associated with the levels that don't relate to plans; then change the levels to a new workset (if you're using them) that, when you create the workset, is OFF by default in all views.

Too many levels and plan views may cause confusion -- esp if you're tagging rooms. If you have two plan views on levels 2' apart in height, you can end up with room definitions on both views, which you want to avoid.

Henry D
2006-02-25, 12:03 PM
Yeah, I know how to do that but that will hide all the levels not just a select few won't it?? I still need to see my newly created levels.

No, "Hide Annotation in View" just hides the level you pick.

But I think Wes's advice is addressing the larger issue.

2006-02-27, 02:49 PM
Try this, make 2 scope boxes around the whole project - one for the levels that drive your floor elevations, another for levels that you want to use for notation (i don't understand why you don't want to document w/ the floor levels, but lets just assume that's necessary). Now apply all the levels you want to hide to 1 scope box, then make new levels that you want to display, and set them to the other scope box. When you select the properties of the scope box, you can override visibility in views - turn 1 scope box off in all views, turn the other on, or leave it to default. That should hide 1 set of levels everywhere and allow the others to always show, or behave normally.

edit - actually, you don't even need the second scope box... just the one you want to contain hidden levels with. I've had situations where i had 2 sets of levels and wanted 1 set to show in certain views, and another set in other views, that's what i was thinking about w/ the 2 scope boxes.

2006-02-27, 03:34 PM
Not entirely sure I understand your question... however, as well as what has already been suggested, you can add the new levels in where you want them to be and then select the floors and change the level they are associated with to the new ones, then delete the old levels you don't need anymore.