View Full Version : Design Center Online tab and Browser missing

2006-02-27, 07:10 PM
I have lost the Tab for the Design Center Online and also have lost in some computers the Design Center Browser. How Can I get those back?
Thank you for your help.

2006-02-27, 11:30 PM

I have lost the Tab for the Design Center Online...AutoCAD Online Help file [F1] -> Contents tab -> User's Guide -> The User Interface -> DesignCenter -> Retrieve Content from the Web with DesignCenter Online -> Overview of DesignCenter Online


AutoCAD Online Help file [F1] -> Contents tab -> Installation and Licensing Guides -> Network Installation -> Network Administrator's Guide -> Deploy AutoCAD -> Use the Network Installation Wizard -> Turn on DesignCenter Online (optional)

...and also have lost in some computers the Design Center Browser.Can you please explain some more, as I am not quite following. Sorry.

Have a good one, Mike