View Full Version : How do you enable automatic shapefile labling in AutoCAD?

2006-02-27, 07:20 PM
I have inserted ArcView shape files from the GIS layer of a large Florida city into AutoCAD Map3D. The layers include parcels, addresses, park parcels, and street centerlines. I need to create a readable wall map for a data collection project. These shape files all have tons of attributes linked to them. For example, the street centerlines shape file has street name, directional prefixes, ROWs, etc. I want the street names to appear on their respective streets. My burning question is how do you enable these layers to be auto-labeled when you insert shape files into AutoCAD? I NEED HELP!!!

2006-02-28, 02:59 AM
Use an alter properties query, and use the desired object data as the Expression value. You may want to use a range table, or even Annotation Templates within the Alter Properties function.

2006-02-28, 12:24 PM
Use an alter properties query, and use the desired object data as the Expression value. You may want to use a range table, or even Annotation Templates within the Alter Properties function.

What, exactly, is an Alter Properties Query and how do I perform one?

2006-03-01, 12:47 AM
in the map workspace
attach a source drawing
then define the proper query conditions statement, like ALL, and .Layer=8 in water line
change query mode to DRAW
hit the ALTER PROPERTIES button
Select TEXT
Select the desired EXPRESSION to get the text value from the data
Execute the query

Think of Alter Properties as AutoCAD on Steriods!

2006-03-01, 03:19 PM
Alter Properties may work for some things but in your example of labeling street centerlines, it may not be the best choice since the text may not fall on the centerline it was derived from.
You may want to try and create an Annotation Template for the centerlines and annotate them. Annotation templates are like blocks with attributes. The value of the attribute is derived from object data or entity properties. Thus, the text created can be referenced back to the object it came from.
You can choose the .ANGLE of the line for a rotation angle. However, even with this method there are drawbacks. By default, the label point of a polyline is 1/2 between its beginning and end points. And the angle is the angle between these two points. For complex polylines with curves, the label point rarely falls anywhere near the polyline itself. In which case you would need to move the label point for the polyline. Or, after inserting the annotations, you could burst them into text and move/rotate them manually.
To be honest, if you have ArcMap, it might be the best tool for creating a wall map with the data you have.

2006-03-01, 10:46 PM
Scott, there is no need to burst the text that is placed with annotation templates. This text is already just that, plain text. True the issue with label points can be a drag, this would be the reason annotation templates were included in the above suggestion. The work flow would suggest that should one require this type of labeling; that as part of the drawing clean-up, and data verification stages that proper label points be defined for the link segments as they are added to the database.

2006-03-07, 02:49 AM
I vote for the annotation blocks, and selecting the roads that need to be label.
(or wait a few months)

2006-03-07, 02:43 PM
Now Now, Murph Quit teasing.
I think the things coming down the pike will be major improvements.

2006-03-07, 07:03 PM
I think the things coming down the pike will be major improvements.
Agree, only wish the boss hadn't decide to quit the subscription this year. That little bit of $$$ to keep it active was a lot less than a couple copies of ArcInfo.