View Full Version : Can't alter a dimension on a spur wall (was is this a bug or...)

2006-02-28, 04:17 AM
I can successfully create an exterior enclosing wall that is defined by outside face of stud, and is dimensioned as such. However, I have problems with a spur wall, meaning a length of wall with one end anchored to a perpendicular wall and the other free floating. When I click the wall the temporary dimension goes to the middle of the perpendicular wall and to the face of finish of the wall end and there are no option boxes to change where the dimension is based on.
I also tried a manual dimension, and I can shoose face of core, but when I choose Individual References for the pick, I am only able to pick references parallel to the face of the wall. The "end cap" seems to be unselectable.
I guess the easiest way to see this is just do a single length of wall and try to dimension the length, to the core.
Any suggestions?


2006-02-28, 11:37 AM
You should be able to get to the end cap by tabbing 'til it selects. It may select as node rather than the parallel wall though, so watch out for the little dot.

With the temp dimension, if you click the blue handles they jump to the next possible dimension location so you should be able to cycle through the options available to you.

2006-02-28, 07:08 PM
You should be able to get to the end cap by tabbing 'til it selects. It may select as node rather than the parallel wall though, so watch out for the little dot.

With the temp dimension, if you click the blue handles they jump to the next possible dimension location so you should be able to cycle through the options available to you.

I have a length of wall, defined with a core and finish on either side, and endcaps of the interior finish. I have my Temporary Dimension Settings at Face of Core for walls and Opening for Doors and Windows.
When I then pick the wall to modify, I get blue dots, and no amount of tabing changes anything. I assume I am locked to a node in this case?
With a seperately placed dimension, if the pointer is over any item parallel to the length of the wall, I can tab between all layers, plus the green center line. However, when I try the end cap, only the finish line highlights, and tabbing just toggles between the finish face and the green wall centerline. If I go ahead and place the dimension by finish face, I get a dimension with boxes, but clicking them does not toggle anything. Even a manual edit of the witness line doesn't seem to work, as again, only the finish face will highlight.

Does all that make sense, or is this a situation that requires pictures or a vidio capture?


2006-03-01, 01:16 PM
Is the dimension locked. If locked you will not be able to move it's witness lines.

2006-03-01, 06:58 PM
I have a length of wall, defined with a core and finish on either side, and endcaps of the interior finish. I have my Temporary Dimension Settings at Face of Core for walls and Opening for Doors and Windows.
When I then pick the wall to modify, I get blue dots, and no amount of tabing changes anything. I assume I am locked to a node in this case?
With a seperately placed dimension, if the pointer is over any item parallel to the length of the wall, I can tab between all layers, plus the green center line. However, when I try the end cap, only the finish line highlights, and tabbing just toggles between the finish face and the green wall centerline. If I go ahead and place the dimension by finish face, I get a dimension with boxes, but clicking them does not toggle anything. Even a manual edit of the witness line doesn't seem to work, as again, only the finish face will highlight.

Does all that make sense, or is this a situation that requires pictures or a vidio capture?

Gordon Gordon,
Nope - you're not 'seeing things'. I've enclosed my own image of what you talked about above... plus added my comments. The ability of the dimension leader to the end core has been a Wish List item for some time. Perhaps in r9 this will be addressed. Until then, there is a workaround. Not pretty, but it works. Have a look at the graphic.
