View Full Version : How long do you wait for Support Requests?
Andre Baros
2006-02-28, 05:42 PM
We sent a file to the factory for a support Request last Monday (though they didn't even look at the file until Thursday) and still haven't heard anything (except for the original message confirming that they reproduced the problem and are working on it). After hearing about others good results, I was disappointed that they didn't even see that I uploaded the file until 3 days later and that there is no communication on what is going on.
How long do we wait before we give up and live with the corrupt file, and if we do just forge ahead with the corrupt file, is there any way to reconcile the (hopefully) fixed file and our changes.
2006-02-28, 05:45 PM
They usually submit a reply within 2 hours. If you're not receiving replies go to Help... View Support Requests and login. Then go to the support request and see if they submitted a reply. I think they are having problems emailing replies.
2006-02-28, 06:01 PM
...I think they are having problems emailing replies....
Maybe they should file a support request.
2006-02-28, 06:03 PM
How did you file the support request? I have always gotten a response in 2 hours or less from using the subscription center.
Andre Baros
2006-02-28, 06:38 PM
I did it from the help menu. I got an initial response to upload the file the same day, not much more than two hours. I uploaded the file immediately and got an automatic response that it was uploaded. Three days later I got another request to upload the file because someone was finally working on it, to which I replied that I HAD uploaded the file. The next day I got a confirmation that they looked at my file and had reduced the error and that I would get more information soon. So my question is, what is soon in other peoples experience. The original quick reply meant nothing since it's been over a week and I still don't know what's going on. A simple, "this is serious, it'll take us until next month to fix the problem" or "we're working on it and we'll get back to you in x days" would be great. But not the silence.
The problem, BTW, is a file which has a "phantom" workset. It lists numerous elements (700 families) as being part of a view workset which they are not actually a part of and which does not actually exist in the file. As a result I cannot delete the families from the project and to edit them I have to load in a new family and replace all instances, leaving behind a trail of re-named families. Other people have been working on the file like this for some time and when I came it to figure out "why is this file moving so slow" I sent it right off to the Factory because I can't find a way to delete all the clutter (trying to purge puts you into an endless loop of error messages).
Andre Baros
2006-02-28, 07:23 PM
Just got an update from Autodesk. The file is baffeling them and they'll need more time to work on it, as in weeks. The silence has been broken and we all feel better. We're going to proceed on our bad file and then send it to Autodesk after our next issue date.
2006-03-01, 06:06 AM
My suggestion to you would have been to place a reactor in the backyard and re-send the file to them! ;-)
No really, that would have been the wrong type of response. Personally, I would submit all support requests to them and give them ATLEAST 1 week. In the mean time, come here and we can see if we can help! I am not a guru but do you have worksharing and worksets set-up on this? If so see if the people working on it are saving to central and checking the files back in. (currently taking a class on this so that is why it comes to mind) You can ask Jeffrey McGrew, our instructor and he might be able to help. Two other ones to ask are Jim Balding and Mr. Spot!!!
Glad to know that they did finally get back to you.
Andre Baros
2006-03-01, 11:34 AM
The file was split up into worksets and design options, and layed out on sheets back in Revit 7. I believe the problem originally occured when all the design options were consolodated at the same time as extra worksets and sheets were deleted. Unfortunately I wasn't working on the project at that time and didn't catch catch the error as it happened. Our team has been very good about saving to central every hour, but I think the number of design options early on clearly confused both the users and the Revit file. If the factory can't fix it, I don't know how AUGI could, but thanks.
Andrew Dobson
2008-04-26, 02:22 PM
We sent a file to the factory for a support Request last Monday (though they didn't even look at the file until Thursday) and still haven't heard anything (except for the original message confirming that they reproduced the problem and are working on it). After hearing about others good results, I was disappointed that they didn't even see that I uploaded the file until 3 days later and that there is no communication on what is going on.
How long do we wait before we give up and live with the corrupt file, and if we do just forge ahead with the corrupt file, is there any way to reconcile the (hopefully) fixed file and our changes.
Two weeks and counting....
I think there are a couple levels of subscriptions support. Used to be there was just one level and everyone got the same support, but a while ago Autodesk dropped phone support for the rif raf and instituted a Gold Level support. I think you might get more timely response if you shelled out the extra $ for the Gold Support.
2008-04-27, 03:56 AM
I recently lodged my first support request.
Overall it took around 6 days to get a resolution to the problem - - .
On one hand, I wouldn't want to be waiting to finished the CDs pending the support resolution, on the other hand, the support request was during the roll out of 2009 and my guess is that the servers would almost be in melt down with the sheer volume of requests. The information, when provided resolved the installation problem I was having.
I would hope that during normal (non roll out) times the response time would be significantly shorter.
Andrew Dobson
2008-04-27, 01:06 PM
I think there are a couple levels of subscriptions support. Used to be there was just one level and everyone got the same support, but a while ago Autodesk dropped phone support for the rif raf and instituted a Gold Level support. I think you might get more timely response if you shelled out the extra $ for the Gold Support.
If I need a quick response, I use AUGI, its much better value for money ;)
2008-04-27, 03:54 PM
Most of what I send in goes to the development team and unfortunately, it takes months to get a confirmation. At least, they're mostly bug reports. The problem we had recently was with a project where we couldn't delete some elements. I couldn't get support to react fast enough and we couldn't sit and wait while the file gets fixed. Again, we could still carry on working and then typically they tell us the ID of the problem objects and we just recreate those and keep on working. In this case we decided to try going through Avatech but it still took over a week to get to a resolution. They still have to go through support/development (they're really acting as the first layer of the onion and then push it through development a bit more forcefully). Unfortunately that's not fast enough for business.
The first layer of support seems to go through pretty quickly and as of late, it seems they have staffed up (noticed some new names). The more detailed of a report you send it (examples, videos, marked up images, etc), the faster they can move on it. Of course when it goes to development, that's a bottleneck that in most cases I'm ready to live with or we won't get a great version packed with awesome goodies next year ;)
Andrew Dobson
2008-04-27, 06:59 PM
I dont know what the problem is with my query - all I want to do is add an additional user who can file support requests to subscription centre.
I have waited two weeks from the initial response of "it has been escalated to the Autodesk Business Centre" and have heard absolutely nothing.
It is so frustrating, as this is something you would think could be answered in five minutes.
2008-04-27, 07:14 PM
I'd be calling my reseller and vent my frustrations with them! This is something they should be able to handle for you in no time.
2008-04-28, 03:49 AM
I dont know what the problem is with my query - all I want to do is add an additional user who can file support requests to subscription centre.
I have waited two weeks from the initial response of "it has been escalated to the Autodesk Business Centre" and have heard absolutely nothing.
It is so frustrating, as this is something you would think could be answered in five minutes.
For the record the Business Center and Product Support are 2 distinct departments. Product Suport handles technical issues with software. This seems to be something else altogether. Either way this should get resolved faster than it seems to be. I just wanted to point out there is a difference.
Try contecting your reseller to see if they can get some additional attention. If you have the suport request number for them it will help as well.
Andrew Dobson
2008-04-28, 08:05 AM
For the record the Business Centre and Product Support are 2 distinct departments.
My experience with the business center is very different to that with Revit support, who are very helpful and do get back to us - sometimes queries are complicated and do take time, which I appreciate.
Unfortunately this issue has actually been going on for months with two support requests, and several emails to and from Autodesk and my reseller. The only sensible response I have had is this:
"Only Contract Manager or Software Manager have access to create support request. As user andrewdobson is a End User he has no access"
They then closed the support request, and I have had to open another one to try and find out how to do this. The second request has been with Autodesk Business Centre for two weeks now.
I'm sure someone on Augi must have had a similar problem, it sounds so simple to fix:
Does anyone know how to create a new Software Manager in subscription centre?
If so, you will have my extreme gratitude!
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