View Full Version : File Size Question...

2006-02-28, 08:36 PM
I have attached a .dwf of a model. This model has worksets enabled but I have not created or changed the default worksets at all. My question, should the local copy of this model be 24MB in size. It seems large to me considering its only one house with a site. I have purged and compacted and done everything I know to clean it up. It takes 20 seconds to open up the local file.

AMD Athlon 64 3200+ with 2gig of Ram.

Just curious.

2006-02-28, 09:09 PM
24 meg is not really that large. Granted it is a little large since it is just a single house, but you also have a decent amount of detail in there with the people for entourage. Also might depend on what other views the dwf does not show. Do you have construction documents in that file also. I did a 70,000 sf elementary school and the file ended up being 150 meg with the construction documents. Grated that is a much larger project but Revit files really get up there in size.

2006-02-28, 09:23 PM
24 meg is not really that large. Granted it is a little large since it is just a single house, but you also have a decent amount of detail in there with the people for entourage. Also might depend on what other views the dwf does not show. Do you have construction documents in that file also. I did a 70,000 sf elementary school and the file ended up being 150 meg with the construction documents. Grated that is a much larger project but Revit files really get up there in size.
I do have about 15 sheets of CD's but not heavily detailed or noted... Just the model views.

Mr Spot
2006-02-28, 09:25 PM
If you have excessive working views this can also increase file size. Delete all unwanted/needed views. Also, are any of the families you are using particular large in size... Families with arrays tend to quickly beef up file size also.

2006-02-28, 09:26 PM
Remember that when you are loading a Revit File, you are loading your entire project. It's not fair to Revit to compare load times with, say...Autocad. My current Autocad project has over 400 dwg's. Imagine the load time if you strung all of those together.

2006-03-01, 12:00 AM
Thats a small file as far as revit projects go. Don't worry about it.

2006-03-01, 11:07 AM
Yeah file size can be a bit of a worry. Hell my template file is 10 MB before i start drawing. To put it into perspective if you have 15 odd sheets of CD's (at least for me in ACAD) thats 20 MB right there except spread across a lot of files.