View Full Version : File Backup

2006-03-01, 11:13 AM
I am wondering how everyone is dealing with file back ups. One of the big drawbacks i am having with Revit is the fact that the "backup" files carry the same file string as the main model.

We currently run an offsite backup, what would be great is to be able (like with autocad) to be able to exclude the *.bak file string from nightly backups. At the moment with Revit it is impossible from what i can see to separate the backup files from the normal files. If we keep a standard 5 backup files on our server we are essentially backing up 5 times as many files as we were with our ACAD drawing files. I can;t figure out any way of exluding the backups from the "current" files.

How is everyone dealing with backing up data and storage with Revit. It really seems to me to be cumbersome the way it is setup. I can't see why we have to deal with such an extensive amount of data here.

Chirag Dedhia
2006-03-01, 11:19 AM
I would like to know as well. It would be great to allocate a folder for just the Backups! Or if nothing, if the file extension is different, then atleast the (relatively) new user, wouldn't be wondering, which is the file, he/she needs to start working with!!

2006-03-01, 12:05 PM
Having been fighting (again) for half the night with generic families where invisible lines don't work I see this backup problem as another example of somebody working on this program not keeping their eye on the ball. We should expect better. Backups in the same folder as your primary files. Ridiculous!!

Hopefully they will fix both problems ................ soon.

Bill Maddox

2006-03-01, 05:15 PM
Backups have an extension using the following pattern - *.????.r?? You can do a search for files with that pattern and exclude them from backup or find them for deleting.

Of course files using worksets have specific folders you can omit from backup or delete. Another good reason all projects should use worksets... ;-)

I like the fact that the backup files are in the same spot as the main files. Offers me more flexibility for naming objects and I don't have to run all over looking for related files.

(...and what are you trying to do with invisible lines that doesn't work?)

2006-03-02, 11:05 AM
Hi Aaron:

Thanks for your reply.

Because of the problem of structural families (dimensional lumber being one) not being able to be aligned to a wall or a post in a comfortable way, I made a family of dimensional lumber (2x4,2x6 etc,1x4,1x6 etc) with arrow adjustments that I can place in a project that will align and attach just fine. The problem is that say I have 9' walls in a house and I need 2x10 beams to support some rafters or whatever. The top of the 2x10's would be at 9'. Unfortunately, the bottom of the beams are above my cut plane of 6' 8" that I use so that my 6/8 doors (swings and openings) will show up right in my floor plan. So, I go back to the family and make an invisible line extending 8' or so down so that my 2x10's will (in theory) show up in my floor plan. Does not work! The invisible line has no effect. So, I have to go through the hassle of plan regions to make the beams show up. I had the same problem the other day with a generic attic access door family I made. Finally had to make the access door with the special equipment template where the invisible line does work. Any observations would be appreciated.

It would be best to have the cut plane at 9' with everything (beams & doors) below showing up but somehow that does not seem to work for me. If I could get the doors (interior and exterior door openings and swings) to show up the sun would shine again and everything would be just great. Why do the door openings and swings disappear with my cut plane above 6' 8"? This seems to be the real problem.

Bill Maddox

2006-03-02, 02:15 PM
I had no problem making the generic beam family you describe....

I typically wouldn't do it the way you're doing it tho - too much customization of families. I'd make a separate plan with just the structural beams above turned on that I want to see. Set the cut plane for that view as appropriate. Override the view with an appropriate linetype and set the view to wireframe. I'd then stack this plan on top of the floor plan on the sheet.

I do the same for roof overhangs and footings.

2006-03-03, 12:05 PM
Thanks Aaron:

Interesting. That's an approach I would have never thought of. I'll have to study it tomorrow. Thanks very much for the input. I'll give it a try.

Thanks again.

Bill Maddox