View Full Version : Default Printer Setting

2004-04-23, 03:42 PM
Is there a setting to override the system default printer within Revit? The first time I print/plot each day (after opening a new session of Revit) the printer defaults to my Windows default printer. I don't always want the same printer between projects (some are plotted, others are printed on the desktop laser), so I don't think a Revit-wide default printer would be any more help than defaulting to the system printer. A file specific setting would be great, or better yet, simply leave the printer settings (including the printer) the way they were last used within that file. Actually, a customizable drop down list of presets would be the best. Something that would store everything to do with the print setup, including printer, paper size, sheets, etc.

2004-04-23, 04:36 PM
Default printer selection inintially comes from the project template. If you open your template and modify it to use different printer then all projects created from this template will start using your printer.

2004-04-23, 04:38 PM
OK, but then there's no way to have the last, "non-templated" printer saved with the file?

2004-04-23, 04:44 PM
Why not? Create your print setup and when you save your file print set up is saved with it. May be I don't understand the problem description and in that case more details would be helpful.

- LR

2004-04-23, 04:52 PM
I'm missing the point here - Is that not what Printer Setup does on the File pulldown. I don't think I understand your question Studio3p.

2004-04-23, 05:51 PM
Alright. I'm guessing by the responses that I'm in the minority here, and that's good because it suggests a solution is just around the corner. Here's what's happening:

1. I plot a drawing to my DesignJet 800 by selecting the 800 from the drop down list of available printers (my LaserJet 5100 is selected by default). In the setup dialog box I have all of the configuration settings saved.

2. When I plot again within the same Revit session these settings are all retained.

3. Upon opening a new session of Revit, either the same day or subsequent day, the configuration settings are retained, but the printer itself is not (the LaserJet 5100 is selected again, I'm guessing that's because it is my System default printer).

2004-04-23, 06:41 PM
All you should have to do is pick the setup button at the bot of the print and pick your saved setting.

2004-04-23, 07:20 PM
Alright, well perhaps I'm missing something super obvious. Just in case, I'm going to provide a visual account of what's happening.

1. The last time I printed from this file it was to my HP DesignJet 800. I printed, saved, and exited Revit.

2. I've just opened Revit and opened the project file. Then I start the print routine. (In Printing01.jpg you can see the warning message I receive)

3. In Printing02.jpg you can see that in fact my default system printer is now the selected printer instead of the HP DesignJet 800.

4. In Printing03.jpg you can see the screen on the settings dialog box which also has the LaserJet 5100 selected and the settings have defaulted to the LaserJet 5100 system settings.

5. When I select the configuration settings for the plotter the notice at the bottom of the settings dialog box appears (see Printing04.jpg which I'll attach to another post as it appears there's a 3 attachment limit).

So, the issue I'm trying to resolve is how do I tell Revit that when I print something I want those exact same settings to appear the next time I open this file?

2004-04-23, 07:21 PM
This image is referenced in my previous post.

2004-04-23, 07:51 PM
I do understand that studio3p is asking for. This is essentially a request for every rvt project to remember not only print settings but also remember the printer itself, so the next time a project is opened printing would default to the same printer regardless of the default printer selection.

I have checked MS Word and other applications and they do not behave the requested way. I suspect that even though the request may be convenient it may be in in conflict with Windows usability guidelines. It may be a requirement for Windows Logo compliant applications to default printing to a default printer specified in Control Panel.

I may suggest a simple workaround. If for some period of time you plan to work on a project that is to be printed to a particular printer then change specification of default printer. When switching to different project that uses another printer change your default printer again.

It does not sound like a high priority request and I suspect that studio3p would prefer if developers focus on more urgent projects.

- LR

2004-04-23, 08:52 PM
This isn't the most urgent issue, but it is certainly one of convenience. I know this is a terrible thing to bring up, but I'll bring it up anyway ... AutoCAD does it.

2004-04-23, 08:57 PM
AutoCAD does it.

Yes it does. Good point.

2004-04-23, 09:11 PM
There is no dispute that over a period of 20 years the big A brother accumulated some good ideas. Revit will not hesitate to pirate the best of them but it will take time. :)

2004-04-23, 09:38 PM
There is no dispute that over a period of 20 years the big A brother accumulated some good ideas. Revit will not hesitate to pirate the best of them but it will take time. :)

They're certainly sparing no time pilfering from you!!

Nic M.
2004-05-13, 12:42 PM
Just for the record I like to add my vote to the wish.

I find it annoying to have a warning box informing me that the current printer doesn't match the latest used printer setting.

2007-06-12, 02:56 PM
I agree. Revit should have a default printer which can be different than the computers default printer. This way you don't need to keep changing or setting it everytime you open revit.

2009-12-18, 06:10 PM
has this ever been fixed. I can't seem to find a way to set the default printer used for revit. I cannot ask my staff to set their default printer in widows to a plotter. I will end up with a lot of letters printed on 30" wide paper.

Scott Womack
2009-12-21, 11:48 AM
No there is no fix for this. Originally AutoCAD required its own printer drivers, and that is how it got to be able to remember its printer. Revit was designed from the beginning to not need separate drivers and only use the windows drivers. as LRiaz stated, even MS Word does not remember this setting He certainly knows the history behind Revit, look at the tag just below his name). Although it would be nice to have this remembered, it is also good to always have to check the print settings as well.

2009-12-21, 03:00 PM
Here's how you fix it: in your printing preferences, add the sheet sizes of your default printer to your plotter, and the sheet sizes of your plotter to your default printer. That will resolve any errors while clicking through the various printer and setup settings. You'll get an error on your printer if you try to print a size that isn't supported, but hopefully you picked the correct printer before actually hitting Print.

What I have done in our template is create and save a range of Print Settings, on various size sheets, including 8.5x11, 11x17, 24x36, etc. As long as the Setting is on one of those 8.5x11 or 11x17 options, then the default printer will come up fine with no errors.

What we REALLY need (and what has been asked for before) is a drop-down box near the lower right between the Settings heading and the Setup button. This would let you choose one of your saved Settings without actually having to open the Settings dialog and then clicking OK to get back to the Print dialog.

2019-10-11, 05:24 PM
Alright. I'm guessing by the responses that I'm in the minority here

you are NOT in the minority, and the response you got to change your default windows printer was pretty ****** for what should be an easy solution. like someone said, Autocad can do it.
I am on the thread today hoping for a solution to your same issue.