View Full Version : Brace frame issues

2006-03-01, 05:11 PM
I'm having issues trying to use HSS tube for my brace frame. They display as skew lines in plane. I tried switching to a wf brace, that didn't make a difference. I also noticed that the anyalitical model line when using an HSS appears to start at the center of the tube at one and and the top face of the tube at the other. Anyone else have issues getting brace frames to look correct?

2006-03-01, 05:43 PM
Well here's a well duh for ya. You need to use the "Framing Elevation" tag instead of the regular elevation tag if you want to place your braces correctly.

2006-03-02, 05:45 PM
Good catch David.
To further clarify: in a "regular" elevation view, if you want to draw a brace along a gridline (for instance) you can set your workplane to that gridline. (with the "Plane" button in the upper left hand corner for those who don't know) This will acheive the same functionality as using a "framing elevation". The difference is that "framing elevation" "presets" the workplane to the grid (or reference plane) that you placed the view symbol on but the "regular" elevation view does not preset a workplane at all (try clicking the visibility button next to "Plane" and it should tell you that there is no plane set).

I hope that helps clarify it a little bit.

2006-03-02, 05:59 PM

Thanks for clarifying. The other issue I had with them when I exported to Ram (I get to beta test :) ) I was receiving errors with regards to unconnected nodes. The goofy :screwy: part was that the braces came in, there where, I connected them to the end points of the cols and the mid point of the beam, but where somehow not connected when exported. Is there a way to "show nodes" in the analytical model. I think that might be a nice feature. Or better yet a quick model check, sim to the interference checking, that would tell you when you goofed up and and unconnected members. Again, I'm not sure what was screwed up (RS or the Link) but it didn't work.:cry:
Thanks again Ken.