View Full Version : Subcategory for Text

2004-04-23, 07:53 PM
How can I segregate the text styles so I can turn of the display of a particular style in a view?

2004-04-23, 09:06 PM
workset, phase or design option?

2004-04-23, 10:19 PM
Could you state the use case for this?
i.e. why do you want some text to display, and others to not display?

Is this something that making a duplicate view could solve?

2004-04-24, 02:39 AM
I imported a dwg into a project. I am retaining some of the 2d lines, in particular a graphic representation of an MRI machine and the its radiation waves. Every wave has a text. I grouped the diagram including the text. The group shows on all views. I could turn off the line style but not the text style. I need to have a plan showing the MRI machine and another without so I can show the floor design. I guess I would have to ungroup and turn off the line style and erase the text in a duplicate view. The imported lines came in as model lines so I suppose they are not view specific.

2004-04-25, 10:39 PM
If you have not exploded the import, you should be able to isolate the layer that the text is on, and turn off its visibility.
Is the text made of model lines? If so, the lines should have a category.
If not, then you can make a duplicate view with detailing, then delete the text in the new view.