View Full Version : Profiles in Civil 3D

2006-03-02, 07:10 PM
I have been working on setting up styles for the band settings in profile view. I would like to be able to set the existing profile elevation and the proposed profile elevation. However, it appears both elevations are defaulted to the proposed profile. Therefore, I need to set my existing profile grade to a different setting and associate the appropriate elevation label to it. Can anyone help me out here?



2006-03-02, 08:18 PM

Try selecting your Profile View-->Right-Click-->Profile View Properties-->Bands tab. Scroll to the right till you see Profile 1 and Profile 2 make sure that you have your EG surface set for the one and your FG or Layout set for the other.

Hope this helps!

2007-09-26, 04:46 PM
Melanie, I need your help.
I'm a new user of civil and when I do a profile I would add the band "partial distances" (i.e. the distances beetwen two stations). I had tried to change the style property, but maybe I must prepare a new dwt file. Are you agree? Could you tell me more about the resolution of my problem?

Orazio Pellegrino, PhD

2007-09-26, 07:40 PM
Hello Orazio,
You can take a look at your Band Styles in the Settings tab of your prospector. Copy one of the existing styles that is close to what you want and make changes to the copy so if you end up making it wrong, you can always start over with a new copy.

2008-01-04, 07:09 PM
On a vertical curve I need to have 25' station intervals called out. How do I create a style so my vertical curves us 25' intervals but keep my 100' station intervals on the rest of the profile?