View Full Version : Can I just see views only on sheets?

2004-04-26, 08:11 PM
I would love to see some kind of differentiation between views that are placed on sheets and those that are not on sheets. any suggestions as to how this can be done now. or if it is not possible now how would i go about suggesting it?

2004-04-26, 08:26 PM
Wish granted.
Right click on Views.
In properties select "not on sheets"

You can also make a "On sheets" filter if you like.

You can also created a schedule of views on sheets. Export to Excell and use that as a checklist...

2004-04-26, 08:30 PM
but is there a visual way to display all of them and distinguish between those that are on sheets and those that are not on sheets?

2004-04-26, 08:30 PM

Check out project browser customization, you can filter views in the manner you are interested in.

To post a wish, check out the Wishlist forum, post a wish there. Be sure to note that a wish needs to be submitted to Revit support for it to be truly logged as a request. Revit product managers do a great job of visiting here to see what we want but it's best to talk with or email them your wishes directly too. The welcome post at the beginning of the wishlist forum as contact info for support.


I also edited your post title so it was more indicative of the question you asked

2004-04-26, 08:37 PM
Group by Sheet Number.

Those on a sheet will be under the first letter of the sheet they are on.
Those not on a sheet will be under ???