View Full Version : Reseller has it right

Chad Smith
2004-04-27, 10:05 PM
It's good to know that some resellers are doing it right.

Australia's major CAD product reseller/supporter is putting on their annual Autodesk Product Launch again. These guys know their stuff and actively push Revit.
I remember at last years launch when they showed off Revit (for the first time I think) the oohs and aahs that came from the thousand or so people in the crowd. Also when the crowd was to show by way of hands how many currently use Revit, about a dozen people raised their hand. I'd be interested this year if they do the same survey how many more people have joined the club, I know I will be proudly raising mine.

I thought I would post a snippet from there overview and highlighted a couple of their important comments.


Scott D Davis
2004-04-27, 10:19 PM
Already a market beater, but [Revit]still has sooo much potential it isscary!

Love this quote!