View Full Version : National BIM Standard?

2006-03-08, 06:06 PM
saw this on an FM blog (http://facilityblog.blogspot.com/2006/03/national-building-information-model.html)...

The National Institute of Building Standards (NIBS) through its Facility Information Council (FIC) has formed a committee to create the National Building Information Model Standard (NBIMS). The Standard is considered to be a critical element in reforming business practices in the capital facilities industry and recapturing at least $15B annually lost due to inefficiencies.

The NBIMS team is actively soliciting participation from public and private organizations and individuals and, to date, 26 organizations representing most aspects of the facility lifecycle and many types of associated businesses have signed the Committee charter and over 80 individuals, overseen by an executive committee, are actively participating on NBIM working groups.

The NBIMS Project Committee seeks to facilitate integration by providing a common language for describing facility information, common views of information based on the needs of businesses engaged in all aspects of facility commerce, and common standards for sharing data between businesses and their data processing applications. Use of common language and practices is expected to reduce building costs, insurance liability, construction schedules, and operating expense while increasing building performance, safety, building life and occupant efficiency.

To further rapid development and wide acceptance, the Committee is partnering with international standards organizations and leveraging existing initiatives. Organizations include the Open Standards Consortium for Real Estate (OSCRE), the Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc.® (OGC), International Alliance for Interoperability (IAI) International, and FIATECH – a private standards consortium. In addition, the Committee is seeking and receiving active participation by professional organizations such as the American Institute of Architects (AIA), Building Owners & Managers Association (BOMA), Construction Specifications Institute (CSI), Construction Users Roundtable (CURT), International Facilitates Management Association (IFMA), Mortgage Bankers Association, etc.

Recent announcements by the US General Services Administration (GSA), US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and the US Coast Guard (USCG) are an indication of rapid and immediate evolutionary pressures in the capital facilities industry. These government agencies and, similarly, private organizations, now require integrated service delivery approaches, use of ‘virtual building models’ to reduce errors and omissions, and the use and delivery of digital datasets for facility operations, maintenance and renewal; which support improved service delivery, enhanced emergency planning, management and response. Without a standard this is a risky endeavor.

Release of the first version of the NBIM Standard is planned for December 2006

Augi Doggie
2006-03-08, 06:15 PM
saw this on an FM blog (http://facilityblog.blogspot.com/2006/03/national-building-information-model.html)...
I've been wondering when that would be coming. I hope it's going to be closer to the AEC standard than the NCS.

If it's the NIBS and USACE involved it will probably be a good set of standards.

2006-03-08, 06:26 PM
I've been wondering when that would be coming. I hope it's going to be closer to the AEC standard than the NCS.

If it's the NIBS and USACE involved it will probably be a good set of standards.:shock: I can't believe I'm about to say this... but, in trying to look up more information on this today...

~ahem~ sorry, just had to get that out... ;)

Scott D Davis
2006-03-08, 07:00 PM
:shock: I can't believe I'm about to say this... but, in trying to look up more information on this today...

~ahem~ sorry, just had to get that out... ;)
LOL, OMG! Well then, IMO you'd better get up on the WWW, ASAP, and start researching some more. We need you to do it in the name of CAD and BIM! We here at AUGI would really appreciate it. The AEC insdustry needs some more standards, ant the NCS doesn't take BIM into account. Good to see OSCRE, OGC, IAI, FIATECH, BOMA, CSI, CURT, IFMA all involved with NIBS and the FIC on this NBIMS effort.... :?:

Augi Doggie
2006-03-10, 06:25 PM
:shock: I can't believe I'm about to say this... but, in trying to look up more information on this today...

~ahem~ sorry, just had to get that out... ;)
ROFLMAO! That's the truth, IMHO.

2006-11-29, 06:24 PM
:shock: I can't believe I'm about to say this... but, in trying to look up more information on this today...

~ahem~ sorry, just had to get that out... ;)
LOL, OMG! Well then, IMO you'd better get up on the WWW, ASAP, and start researching some more. We need you to do it in the name of CAD and BIM! We here at AUGI would really appreciate it. The AEC insdustry needs some more standards, ant the NCS doesn't take BIM into account. Good to see OSCRE, OGC, IAI, FIATECH, BOMA, CSI, CURT, IFMA all involved with NIBS and the FIC on this NBIMS effort.... :?:

BTW, AIA and FFC are onboard with NBIMS.

Isn't the first release due out in a week or two?

2007-03-11, 08:30 PM
BTW, AIA and FFC are onboard with NBIMS.

Isn't the first release due out in a week or two?Seems like I'd heard last October or November...

BIM Standard FAQ (http://www.facilityinformationcouncil.org/bim/faq.php)
Meeting Minutes and Status Reports (http://www.facilityinformationcouncil.org/bim/committee_minutes.php)
Announcement on committee being launched (http://www.nibs.org/newsstory1.html), but, doesn't appear to be any updates on this page.
Quarterly report (http://www.facilityinformationcouncil.org/bim/qr_1106.php) has this to say...

Our goal to have a document by the end of December appears to remain on target, although it will be down to the wire. December will bring us a draft for comment and consensus which we will work for the first few months of 2007. The group of authors we have working on this have all assured me that we will meet or beat our scheduled dates, which is an incredible feat! There are 22 contributing authors of the NBIMS, each one an industry recognized subject matter expert!
Checking the January 07 status report (http://www.facilityinformationcouncil.org/bim/pdfs/minutes_011707.pdf) now...
It appears that 80% of the booklet is 'posted' and being reviewed now. I must assume that means internally to their committee, of course.

2007-03-12, 03:19 PM
Should be interesting. :?

2007-03-23, 03:21 PM
...It appears that 80% of the booklet is 'posted' and being reviewed now. I must assume that means internally to their committee, of course.

any chance of a sneak peak?!?!

2007-05-11, 09:43 PM
use of ‘virtual building models’ to reduce errors and omissions

give a caveman a bus and he will still get nowhere. BIM is a complex idea without skilled people able to interpret or even possessing the tools to implement competent decisions. the VBM may have floor slabs, but is every rebar incorporated?

BIM is a nice thing, in perhaps a decade...
