View Full Version : Fatal error on DXF files

2006-03-10, 05:24 PM
Anyone know where I can find information about this Fatal Error message:

Fatal Error: Unhanded Access Violation Reading 0x0004 Exception at 644da270h

These guys are trying to bring up some OLD DXF files into 2006.


2006-03-11, 04:10 PM

You could try plugging the following search criteria ( shown in blue ) in to the Autodesk Knowledge Base search (http://usa.autodesk.com/adsk/servlet/ps/kb/autoindex?siteID=123112&id=2334144&linkID=2475323) facility...

DXF Fatal Error

Should receive back 8 results.


Have a browse of the following thread ( it does not answer your particular problem, but hopefully you will find a few pointers that you may wish to investigate )...

Fatal Error ... blah blah blah

Have a good one, Mike