View Full Version : BUG!!! Solid/Void in In-Place Comp. not visible until finishing sketch

2006-03-10, 06:40 PM
I haven't posted this problem until now...I am ashamed!!!:Oops:

There is a bug that when I am in an in-place family, and create a solid or void, I am forced to finish sketch before seing my newly created solid/void.... for solids, no problem....

but when I am doing a void, and this void will be deleted when it doesn't cut an object (since I cannot use the CutGeometry tool with an object that is not selectable-nonvisible) it is really annoying....

Anyone experiencing this? Is Factory aware of it? I tried to search this, so I apologize if it is old news...


2006-03-10, 06:46 PM
.thank you.

2006-03-10, 07:06 PM
You know, I've actually noticed that since I've been on 8.1...I wonder what that's about?

Wes Macaulay
2006-03-10, 08:53 PM
This should only happen when you click "Finish Family"... you can't use the Cut Geometry tool outside of the family. Just put in some in-place voids to cut a regular roof family: worked fine...

2006-03-10, 09:01 PM
What happens to me (related to solids only, no voids) is that I draw the object in an in-place family and when I click "finish sketch" but am still inside the family, the object disappears (this is a solid, mind you), but if i hit finish family, the object reappears. Then, if I hit edit family, the object is now visible inside the family. Quite odd, has happened to me every single time in 8.1.

2006-03-11, 11:59 AM
This should only happen when you click "Finish Family"... you can't use the Cut Geometry tool outside of the family. Just put in some in-place voids to cut a regular roof family: worked fine...
Maybe I was misunderstood.
Danielle seems to be having the same situation...

When doing an in-place family, and creating an object (either solid or void) the object is not visible until you finish the family (like Danielle stated happens to her) With a solid no real problem, just finish the family and you will see it, if you need to make a more complicated shape, then reedit the family and continue making solids/voids...
But if you make a void, and when you finish sketch it isn't visible, you can't select it to cut an object outside the family (i.e. walls, roofs, etc) only because it isn't visible. You could finish the family and reopen it, BUT Revit will delete the void because it isn't cutting anything. So you have wasted time. Also, if you undo and go back to before you "finished sketch" you can't convert the void into a solid...you don't have that option....so you will have to:

1. select the sketch and copy it to clipboard,
2. quit the sketch,
3. create a solid,
4. paste to current view (hopefully it isn't a sweep that requires 2 sketches to be copied, since you can copy only one of them)
5. finish sketch,
6. (since you don't see the sketch) finish family,
7. edit the newly created family,
8. select the solid you just created and couldn't see until now,
10. change it to be a void,
11. cut geometry and select what the void will cut.
12. finish family

If this isn't annoying, then I don't know what the definition of the word is...


2006-03-13, 09:49 AM
Probably not exactly what you are mentioning but it happened here once in a while that a created void is completely encapsulated with one or more object(s).
In that case I was not able to select and apply the Cut Tool once activated because the void is visible nor selectable ....unless I first enlarge the void to be outside the encapsulating object(s)

2006-03-13, 10:34 AM
Probably not exactly what you are mentioning but it happened here once in a while that a created void is completely encapsulated with one or more object(s).
In that case I was not able to select and apply the Cut Tool once activated because the void is visible nor selectable ....unless I first enlarge the void to be outside the encapsulating object(s)
No, it's a different problem...
The problem is not caused by only creating a void, but any solid inside a family.
I am sure that sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't....

but the solid/void, once created, is not visible until you finish the family.

Take care,

2006-03-13, 05:05 PM
No, it's a different problem...
The problem is not caused by only creating a void, but any solid inside a family.
I am sure that sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't....

but the solid/void, once created, is not visible until you finish the family.

Take care,

Wow Luigi--maybe you and I have a super-special version of revit that no one else has???

2006-03-13, 05:31 PM
Wow Luigi--maybe you and I have a super-special version of revit that no one else has???
Hmm... I don't think so, I have the latest version build. I am quite sure you have the same one also...

Autodesk Revit Building 8.1 - 20051214_Danielle&Luigi_Only-2200


2006-03-14, 09:39 AM
Is anybody from Factory reading this and is aware that it is a bug? I haven't checked to see in the beta version if it still this way or not....