View Full Version : Room Tag for Ceiling Plans

2006-03-11, 12:35 AM
I am having problems with tagging the rooms in the ceiling plans. Why is it that when I place a room tag in a room (already define in the floor plan) the ceiling plan does not read the room?

Right now all we are doing is creating "dumb" tags, as in copying from the floor plan to the ceiling plan. However, when we do that we encounter another problem. The copy does not keep the room number, it changes the room number. So now I am going through the ceiling plans and entering the correct numbers. Also, in some plans the room tags are not reading the room separation lines in the ceiling plans, and in some area they are. Any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Justin Marchiel
2006-03-11, 12:40 AM
do you have area seperation lines? Are they turn off?

2006-03-11, 12:43 AM
yes we have room separation lines. but in some ceiling plans they do not show up even though we have them in our plans. I don't know why. i checked the visibility and they are on and they are on the correct workset.

2006-03-11, 01:19 AM
Maybe the room seperators are in the wrong worksets.

2006-03-11, 01:42 AM
I turned on all the worksets and they still do not appear.

2006-03-13, 02:26 PM
Well for one thing, room sep. lines are model lines and usually exist at the floor level of whatever level you're looking at. That's why you can't see them in ceiling plans.

Now I know we were tagging rooms in ceiling plans in a couple of projects last year, but I dunno what yours could be doing.

2006-03-13, 04:13 PM
Make sure you created your ceiling plan from the actual floor plan level, not a ceiling height level. If you have a ceiling height level it would not report the rooms because they would be on the floor plan level. I recommend to never use levels to define ceilings because then the tag will not read properly(ie 8'-0" AFF)

2006-03-13, 07:03 PM
Okay. I created a test ceiling plan. It still does not read my rooms, so i am doing something wrong. Here are my steps.

First, I went to view --->new ---->selected ceiling plan ---> then i selected my 1st floor plan.
Second, I went to set the view range. Since this is the first floor, i set my top primary range to the second floor. the offset is 0' 0". Then the view depth is also the same as the top primary range.

Even without setting the view range after creating the new ceiling view, the rooms still will not read the already define name. So tagging rooms in the ceiling plan is still a problem.

And an added weirdness, in our "new" building ceiling plan, some how someone was able to copy paste the room separation lines to the ceiling plan. We can't figure out how they did that, and no one remembers doing that. Go figure.

Since I had a deadline, I finished tagging the rooms and since I did that the rooms will now read in the ceiling plan. But it creates double rooms in the schedule, so that isn't good, and tagging the ceiling for ceiling heights isn't working because everything is at 0' 0" A.F.F. (this ceiling height tag doesn't work for the test view I created too). Would calling autodesk support be the best option right now?

2006-03-13, 10:08 PM
What happens when you do this in the Revit default template? Draw four walls and place a room tag. Then go to the ceiling plan view and tag the room. Does this work? If so...it should...then something is different in your project.

As Scott alluded to if the Levels the ceiling plans are based upon are different than those the rooms and wall are associated with you'll get different rooms.

Also check the phase settings for your views since Room tags are phase aware you could be tagging rooms in two different phases?

2006-03-13, 10:39 PM

Something is different in our project. I did the Revit default template and it does work. I am unsure what it is that is different in our project. I think it could be the fact that the ceiling defaults were erased, and then someone in the office had to create the ceiling plans again. Would this be the problem?

I also checked to see what phase I was placing the room tags in, and they are all on the "new construction" phase.

I tried what Scott suggested, but I don't think I did what he suggested correctly, because it didn't work.

Do you have any suggestions on how to resolve this problem? Thanks.

2006-03-13, 11:51 PM
How about posting the file here? If it is too big, then make a copy and remove most of the modelling taking care to leave one room and both a floor plan and ceiling plan views. You can use Purge Unused to get it down as small as possible.

As you suspect the new views may just be set wrong. What happens if you start them over? Choose View > New > Ceiling Plan > Select the level you want, uncheck the Do not duplicate option. See how this new view works?

2006-03-15, 02:45 AM

Is it okay if i upload the cleaned up version to our ftp site, for you? It is still to big to upload here.

2006-03-15, 05:05 PM
Sure, email me a link to the ftp site if you like or post it here if that's permissible.

2006-03-15, 06:41 PM

I will email you the information. Thanks again.