View Full Version : Live Web Demo: Let Revit write your Specs!

Scott D Davis
2004-04-28, 08:45 PM
Starting with the thread E-SPEC FOR REVIT (http://www.zoogdesign.com/forums/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=3620) we were introduced today to a piece of software that uses the ODBC capabilites of Revit to AUTOMATICALLY generate specifications on the fly! Change from Wood windows to Vinyl windows, and the spec updates the appropriate sections automatically!

We have the opportunity to get a Live Web Demo set up for the ZD members to see this product in action. I need to find out if enough are interested, and then try to establish a time for this web demo where our members around the globe have an opportunity to see it. This will be a live demo, where a product rep will be available to answer any questions we may have.

Please post here if you are interested, and give a day of the week and a time frame that you might be available to see the demo.

Dimitri Harvalias
2004-04-28, 09:04 PM
Interested for sure Scott.
Might I suggest that it be recorded for future playback to facilitate those who might not be able to join or who want to sleep :wink: (Revit spans the globe... and all associated time zones!)

Wes Macaulay
2004-04-28, 09:17 PM
I am *so* in. This is the best thing since... well, Revit came along!

Anytime from 7:30am to 3pm Pacific time.

2004-04-28, 09:29 PM
I am interested. 7am to 3pm pacific time


2004-04-28, 09:35 PM
I'm interested. My time: daytime Pacific.


2004-04-28, 09:37 PM
I'm interested. My time: daytime Pacific.


I'm in! Daytime ESDT


2004-04-28, 09:45 PM
I am in. 9am-9pm PST any weekday.

2004-04-28, 09:48 PM
Absolutely count me in!!

Lounging around in the Mountain Time Zone.


2004-04-28, 10:32 PM
Great idea! I'm in. 8am-5pm PST

Scott D Davis
2004-04-28, 10:54 PM
Great response so far! It seems like all North America responses to this point. I'm gonna give it a day to allow others across the oceans to chime in....then get it set up!

2004-04-28, 10:56 PM
I'm totally in, but bitter, for just two months ago I wrote up a proposal and spec to hand off to a developer connection to estimate how to make a tool just like this one.... :banghead:

sigh... gotta git faster! I know! I'll drink more coffee.... :shock:

2004-04-28, 11:06 PM
I'm interested too. Mountain Standard Time. 8-5. Just let me know.

2004-04-28, 11:19 PM
"We" are interested in seeing this as well...

2004-04-28, 11:47 PM
Same here. Anytime from 8 AM - 6 PM EST.

2004-04-29, 12:45 AM
I am interested, any time - PST California. We are holding a spec writing demo at the Sacramento Revit Users Group on 4/29 Thursday 6pm. :D

Scott Hopkins
2004-04-29, 12:51 AM
Just finished a spec. I am very curious - count me in. 9am - 9pm PST

2004-04-29, 01:49 AM
Would love to see. Any day, almost any time...EST. Would also be wonderful to archive if possible?

Henry D
2004-04-29, 02:39 AM
Any time night or day except 7-9AM and 5-7PM CDT.

2004-04-29, 03:43 AM
I'm very interested to view it although on downside it'd have to be severely modified to suit Australian standards...

I might have to be content with watching a recorded view cos as I post this its 1:05pm CST Thursday 29 April 2004

thanks guys!

2004-04-29, 10:09 AM
count me in - but i suspect the overwhelming number of ppl in nth america will mean the time for the demo will be such that anybody in Australia will be in bed asleep. Thus if someone could record the audio/and moving screen images (products like Camtasia etc) and make the file(s) available it would be appreciated.

2004-04-29, 10:11 AM
CST - 7AM - 8 PM

David Sammons
2004-04-29, 10:41 AM
Count me in - 7:00 am to 7 pm EST.

Dave S.

2004-04-29, 12:00 PM
I'm in. 8:00 -3:00 est.

2004-04-29, 12:49 PM
Count me in.

There have been several webcasts that I really wanted to view, but because of deadlines or being interrupted, I was unable. So, if this could be recorded so those at differant timezones could view it and also those who might get pulled away on something else, that would be great.

2004-04-29, 02:07 PM
9:00 to 3:00 EST almost any weekday and we are in.

2004-04-29, 02:18 PM
count me in too... any day any time

2004-04-29, 02:25 PM
I'm in, anytime for me.


2004-04-29, 02:26 PM
I want in. Any day and time.

2004-04-29, 03:59 PM
Interested, anytime.

Clyne Curtis
2004-04-29, 04:00 PM
Color me "ABSOLUTELY IN!" Daytime MST



Steve Jager
2004-04-29, 04:05 PM
My firm is also interested. EST

Scott D Davis
2004-04-29, 04:09 PM
Great response! We've had over 30 interested people respond. I've made the contact, and I'm waiting for a return email/phone call to get this set up.

Now, I know I can't find the perfect time for everyone....I looked at the responses and most were in a US/North America time zone. To try and pick a time somewhere to cover east to west coast needs to be between 8am to 2pm PST. This way the East coast would be between 11 to 5.

Anyways.....I'm shooting for a 1pm PST time slot. I'll let you know the date as soon as I get it!

Dean Camlin
2004-04-29, 09:52 PM
Count me in too, Scott!

2004-04-29, 10:59 PM
Im in too.

Taylor A
2004-04-30, 12:56 AM
Why not, cpunt me in
I'm a minority down here so I wont nominate a time
just let me know when.

Scott D Davis
2004-04-30, 02:34 AM
Okay! We've set up Wednesday May 5, at 1:00 pm PST as the official time and date....next post I hope to have the details of where to go, how to sign in, etc....

2004-04-30, 03:12 AM
7 am Thursday May 6 Australian Eastern Standard time... thats doable. ( hope the alarm works :shock: )

Les Therrien
2004-04-30, 03:21 AM

Scott D Davis
2004-04-30, 03:31 AM
beegee, i know its early for you, but glad you think you can make it! if it's really needed, and we can't record the May 5th demo, maybe we can set up a 'down under' web demo for you guys at a better time?

2004-04-30, 03:41 AM

Recording it would certainly solve a lot of problems for everyone in other time warps though.

2004-04-30, 07:04 AM
early to bed, early to rise...
makes you want to specalize (with Revit!)

definitely an early rise at 6.30am CST May 6th
I'll be there...

I feel sorry for the guys out West at 5.00am that early :!:

2004-04-30, 07:54 AM
I will try and make it. My interest is tengential in as much as I am interested in how it works to see whether there is mileage in getting e-Specs to work with the big UK spec provider, or whether the note that other spec packages can be imported might be workable with our existing tools......

2004-04-30, 11:01 AM
Let us know what we need to do and we will be there!! - bright eyed and bushy tailed!! The day will have well and truly begun @ 5:00am, babies to feed, dogs to walk, Revit to do!! What else is there? :shock:

2004-04-30, 12:11 PM
Hey - not all of us DownUnda are early risers ! I say record it - then share the recording ....

2004-04-30, 12:29 PM
I'm interested 9:00 to 7:00 PM Est - This sounds terrific and must be very expensive$$$

2004-04-30, 10:34 PM
May 5, at 1:00 pm PST. Sounds great. Count me in. At the risk of being thought gauche, 'what is the pricing for e-specs for revit?'

2004-04-30, 10:42 PM
count me on


David Kim
2004-05-01, 12:21 AM
I'm in too...

2004-05-01, 03:51 PM
I'd be interested in that as well.... thanks for doing this Scott

2004-05-02, 04:11 AM
Sounds great. I'm in too. I'll check back here for login info.

2004-05-02, 01:24 PM

Will this webcast be recorded?

Scott D Davis
2004-05-02, 02:28 PM
don't know if it will be recorded yet....I'll let you know. Price? We'll have to ask during the demo!

2004-05-02, 03:48 PM
:( Dang it..May 5th, I'll be bringing my son back from college...Can someone take notes? If it can't be recorded then I hope to see a thread reviewing the product.

2004-05-02, 03:50 PM
Count me in!

2004-05-02, 08:16 PM
I'm VERY interested in applications of ODBC such as this. Thanks to Scott for making the arrangements.


2004-05-02, 09:38 PM
Count me in !

2004-05-03, 03:59 AM
2 in from here - although Chris doesn't know how early I'm going to make him get up yet! :lol:

Would like to get it recorded as well if there is any chance.

Scott D Davis
2004-05-03, 05:03 PM
Here's the latest:

I just spoke to Eileen from InterSpec. Before 5pm Pacific Time, I will be receiving an URL for the Web Demo, which I will be posting here, along with details/passwords/etc.

At the URL, will be an 800 number to call in for the audio portion of the Web Demo. This demo will be set up to be interactive, so we can ask questions over the phone live to the moderator of the demo.

The people at InterSpec are working very hard at getting this demo recorded, including all audio and video. There should be an URL available after the demo to access the replay via a streaming media presentation.

We are still on for 1pm PST on May 5, 2004. Check back here for the details after 5pm PST today.

2004-05-03, 08:33 PM

If you speak with Eileen again, could you see if there is a direct line that any non-US viewers can use to get the audio feed, please. It would also be useful to find out how long the presentation will last.

Are thyey using placeware or something similar?

You can pm me with Eileen's number if you are not going to get a chance to talk with her again.

Scott Hopkins
2004-05-03, 08:55 PM
Count me in too! :D

Scott D Davis
2004-05-03, 11:10 PM
Please see this thread for additional information:

E-Spec Web Demo Information