View Full Version : Override Host Layers

Andre Baros
2006-03-16, 08:45 PM
I'm just trying to use the Override Host Layers for the first time, and the results are the opposite of what I expected.

Here's the quote from the help file:
Open a plan view.
On the View menu, click Visibility/Graphics.
Under Override Host Layers, select Cut Line Styles, and click Edit.
In the Host Layer Line Styles dialog box, assign line weights, line colors, and line patterns to host layers, as desired.
Click OK.
In the Visibility/Graphics dialog box, click OK.

I tried this with a different color for each layer to test the options, and teh profile is colored but all the internal lines are still black, shouldn't the profile remain black and all the layers adopt their respective colors?

BTW, same result in plan and section.

Andre Baros
2006-03-16, 08:49 PM
ARRRG! As soon I posted I tried changing the line weights and that solved the problem, I'd missed this little note:
"Common edges between layers will be drawn with the higher line weight. Common edges between layers of the same line weight will use the "COMMON EDGES" style of the host."

If you really want 5 different colors (or shades of grey) then you also need 5 different lineweights.