View Full Version : Re-numbering Tag Tool

Henry D
2003-05-29, 09:46 PM
There should be a Schedule Tag re-numbering tool like ADT has. You pick the tag and give it a number like "1" and each tag that's picked after that gets automatically numbered sequentially. A lot of times as the design gets modified and additional door and windows are inserted it's necessary to renumber the entire sequence. As it is, I think the only way to renumber tags is to edit each and every one of them.

Scott D Davis
2003-05-30, 04:11 AM
renumbering doors can be made easier by renumbering the doors in a schedule, rather than in plan. You can sort the schedule by tag number sequentially, then go right down the column: 1 enter 2 enter, etc.

2003-05-30, 10:36 AM
Also, if it's a routine that requires you to pick each to re-number, it's probably just as efficient to delete all and re-tag by picking them, the door for example, in the "new" order.

I'd very much like to see doors aware of the room to which they belong and not based on their swing. That's not a good rule. We have lot's of out-swinging doors in schools for example that "belong" to the classroom not the corridor.

Anyway, I'd love the door to inherit the room number and increment with a letter suffix for each additional door associated with the room. The first door get the room number, the second room# & "A", the third room# & "B"...etc.

This way when I tag, 80-90% of the doors will get filled in automatically, with only a little cleanup likely.

Henry D
2003-05-30, 11:40 AM
The problem I have with renumbering in a schedule is that it's nice to have door numbers sequenced according to their location in the plan, so if I renumber them in the schedule I have to keep cross checking with the plan to know which door I am renumbering.

Also, for me the pick to automatically renumber tool is much faster than deleting and retagging.

Anyway, Revit's schedules are a breeze to set up compared to ADT.

Scott D Davis
2003-05-30, 05:37 PM
The problem I have with renumbering in a schedule is that it's nice to have door numbers sequenced according to their location in the plan, so if I renumber them in the schedule I have to keep cross checking with the plan to know which door I am renumbering

So then sort your schedule by room number, and then renumber the doors. (assuming your room numbers follow a logical order.....http://skins.hotbar.com/skins/mailskins/em/033102/033102stupid_1_prv.gif)

Henry D
2003-05-30, 09:08 PM
Thanks for the suggestion Scott. That will come in handy when I am doing a commercial project. Right now I am doing a couple of houses and I don't have room numbers, but on a house it's not a big deal anyway.

2003-05-31, 03:20 AM
So then sort your schedule by room number, and then renumber the doors. (assuming your room numbers follow a logical order.....http://skins.hotbar.com/skins/mailskins/em/033102/033102stupid_1_prv.gif)

ooo.. good tip scott, post that puppy in the t&t forum.

BTW, I would also agree we need some kind auto renumbering system, idealy, I'd like to see a auto renumber by path. Meaning the user would sketch a line for the sequence, and the tail end of that line would trigger the closest door to be the low number (101) and the head end would triger the closest door to it be the last number (199) All all the other numbers would fill in in sequence as the line passes by them.

does that make sense :screwy:

2003-05-31, 03:30 AM
I suggested that same concept Z...awhile back...like the contour labeling feature in Site! That would be very nice.

2003-05-31, 03:33 AM
I suggested that same concept Z...awhile back...like the contour labeling feature in Site! That would be very nice.

exactly!!!! :D

2003-05-31, 05:41 AM
mmmmm, sounds good to me.

Maybe you could just click on the starter door, then click on the finish door, then choose whether to number sequentially ( to your own specification ie 1.01, 1.02 etc ) or by room number ( if you have room numbers )


2004-05-14, 07:52 PM
OK, so maybe I'm a little late adding a post to this thread (like almost a year later), but I wholeheartedly agree with Steve

Anyway, I'd love the door to inherit the room number and increment with a letter suffix for each additional door associated with the room. The first door get the room number, the second room# & "A", the third room# & "B"...etc.

This way when I tag, 80-90% of the doors will get filled in automatically, with only a little cleanup likely.

Maybe I'm not too late, though. With 6.1's ability to display "From Room" & "To Room" in the Door Schedule, it seems like we're this close >< to being able to specify the Door Tag as %FromRoom&A or %FromRoom%-1. (Sorry, my DOS days are showing through)

2004-12-02, 11:26 PM
I know this is an OLD thread , but this wish is still very prominent in a number of my customers minds.As the size of projects done in Revit increase (ie Freedom Tower scale) it is going to become even more important.

From my own experience, I have sat next to one customer who was managing literally hundreds of carparking spaces in a large retail development, while on the other side was the guy painting the carpark numbers telling him that there was a duplicate number somewhere in there. Lining up the schedule and the plan views to reorder everything was just NOT an option.

I'd like to add my support to Chris Zoog's and Beegees idea of some sort of method of using "graphical lines" to show a starting number in the sequence and then clicking either each tag in sequence, or better still drawing a crossing line through them that picked up the tag and renumbered it straightaway based on the last tag number.

C'mon Factory! It wouldn't be that hard to do in programming terms I'm sure, and you're going to make a lot of people very happy when you do!

2004-12-02, 11:53 PM
Be careful when renumbering......

If your drawings have been issued, you risk mass confusion by releasing drawings with renumbered doors. What if door 25 was a glass door last week, and is a wood door today? The contractor will go crazy.

And of course, door 25 is mentioned in the schedules, the minutes, the transmittals etc etc etc. Which door 25 do they refer to? the glass or the wood?

2004-12-03, 04:14 AM
I guess the basis of your caution and my wish to see it implemented, is, do we give users a very powerful tool that has potential to do damage if misused?

Sure it can be misused. A timely pop up warning box would help, but the question still in my mind is how many hours of sheer repetition (not to mention boredom and potential to goof ups) could be saved by having it?

I'm wondering if a poll would be useful here?

2004-12-03, 05:22 AM
I'm wondering if a poll would be useful here?Ask and ye shall receive....

Poll Added.

2004-12-06, 01:33 AM
Thanks Beegee!

10 yeahs and 0 neahs - methinks I see a trend! I hope this is being monitored...

2005-01-12, 07:48 PM
This is a no-brainer - I'm sure this has been mentioned before. Too too cumbersome in its present state to use efficiently.

2005-01-12, 08:00 PM
An oldy but goody...merging with existing wish...(shame it's getting old)

2005-01-12, 09:10 PM

Is there any better way to bring this concern to the development team. Surely they're aware of the problem - some response or acknowledgment from Revit would be reassuring.


2005-01-12, 09:23 PM
...Is there any better way to bring this concern to the development team?...
I believe this issue is well understood and waiting for resources to be available. Autodesk Revit's team manages their resources carefully. They try very hard to balance the effort across every aspect of the application. So everything moves forward as much as possible. How successfully they are at this is different for each of us...naturally.

The official way to log your support for a feature/wish is to contact Autodesk Revit via email or telephone. Just refer to the announcement message at the top of each forum for the contact info.

or...you could camp in front of their headquarters in Waltham with banners and such...;)

2005-01-13, 04:46 PM

I fully understand that the development team needs to prioritize and allocate its resources however I would suggest that there are so many half baked items that if unresolved that fester into something quite disdainful. My suggestion is such items as this and most others mentioned here are uncompleted items of work that need to be completed in the near future so that the Revit experience is a productive rather than a frustrating one. Perhaps one upgrade should address nothing other than these issues.
