View Full Version : erasing titles

2006-03-20, 02:46 PM
put my electrical legend in a drafting view. now putting it on the sheet. is there a way to erase the title of the view (circled in red) or turn it off without turning off the the title of the plans on the sheet as well. i tried editing the view and turning show title to no but that also turned off the titles of the plans on the sheet as well. any ideas?

Max Lloyd
2006-03-20, 02:53 PM
Hi-lite the view on your sheet, and from the pull down box on the top left select 'viewport: no tiltle'

This works for any view placed on a sheet, not just legends.


2006-03-20, 03:22 PM

i went to the pull down but only had one style of viewport. so i created a new one with title set to not show. i swear sometimes u really have to search to find stufff in this program.

Max Lloyd
2006-03-20, 03:28 PM
Everyone gets caught out, but the deeper you get in, the more you start to figure out intuitively where to look. (these forums are usually the best place btw.......)