View Full Version : Schedule/formula Frustration

2004-04-30, 05:18 AM
Simple Stuff? How do I calculate or pick up values from other schedules?

1. FAR = Coverage area divided by Property area
I can create a property area schedule then an area plan & area schedule for coverage. My Frustration lies in the fact that I have to create a Property Area field and enter the area values manually taken from the property schedule. Why can't I just reference the flippin Property Tag or Property Area. I can create formulas within schedules but not between schedules!!!! :banghead: Why is it not possible to reference Values on other Schedules. Or have I missed the boat completely

2004-04-30, 07:36 PM
Another example where a SQL interface to the db would be very helpful in maintaining the associativity of the model. Use a JOIN to combine the values needed into a custom table.

(I know, I know...my posts today are all over the place about the whole API, compatibility, extensibility issue... :oops: )

2004-04-30, 07:42 PM
I need this functionality for comparing net to gross areas and defining percentages of the gross, ie the dining room(hotel) is what percent of the the gross. well unless i use the area plans and define all the rooms twice(once with roomtags and once with area tags) I can't compare net to gross.

2004-05-01, 08:57 AM
There are plenty more examples where we could do with this functionality. Like Excel being able to grab any cell to use with a combination of others, regardless of what sheet. My big thing is I dont want to have to export stuff. I hate linking!! All Inside. Is there any hint from the factory that this is being addressed. Any hint of what could be expected.

2004-05-01, 09:06 AM
Is there any hint from the factory that this is being addressed. Any hint of what could be expected.

As an AASC you might be in a better position to answer that than we are. :wink:

Marek Brandstatter
2004-05-02, 11:41 AM
Hey Beegee you really think so? Check out my "API type question: Revit Journal Player - a Script Language?" thread. We'd probably have better luck finding Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq.

2004-05-02, 10:37 PM
I'm sure you would be among the first to know if they were free to talk about these things.

David Conant
2004-05-03, 02:11 PM
Sorry to dampen speculation, but you are not going to get comments on plans from any official source. Due to securities regulations and competitve issues, we at the factory are prohibited from disucussing what functionality we are planning to put in the product or when we plan to have it there. We do need customer feedback and we occasionaly disclose plans to outsiders who have signed non-disclosure agreements. They too are prohibited from speaking about what we have disucussed.

Wes Macaulay
2004-05-03, 02:58 PM
US public companies are actually less open than private ones, which sounds ironic at first.

If a public company says anything about a feature they're planning and it's not there in the next release, all hell can legally break loose. Being public requires you to be rather private. :screwy:

From what I understand, it's very constraining -- quarterly finance reports, pricing, disclosure, etc... but when a company needs cash from John Q Public to do its job, you have to do it.

Marek Brandstatter
2004-05-03, 05:31 PM
-Excuse my naivete, just thinking aloud-

Isn't this the perfect forum for the factory to interact with their users on a nuts and bolts technical level regarding the "hypothetical" implementation of possible features for their product? Kinda shoot the breeze with the guys in the know...

Scott D Davis
2004-05-03, 06:15 PM
Yes, but then we would have to make this a private forum, only available to those who signed Non-disclosure agreements.

David Conant
2004-05-03, 06:57 PM
This is an excellant forum for interaction, and you often see those of us in "the factory" here. Discussions on this newsgroup are frequently referenced in product planning and design meetings. We are happy to talk about ideas, ask questions about needs, respond to specific problems, etc. What we can't do is reveal our future planning.
Unfortunately for Marek, he lives in a spot we rarely get to for our more confidential interactions. (I suspect that in a February blizzard, some of us might look longingly at a trip across the equator :) ), but we are listening.

2004-05-03, 07:08 PM
Trust me, David...we know you're listening. Otherwise all of this would just be so much wasted time and breath. I cannot think of a better user/developer interaction than between Revit users and you guys via this forum.