View Full Version : Exporting the view doesn't work... but from a sheet it does!

2006-03-20, 08:45 PM
OK, so a strange problem someone here has hit is that their roof plan of their project doesn't export to AutoCAD properly. All the other plans in the Project do, but when they export the roof plan all they get is the collumn grid and nothing else. However, if they export the sheet that the plan is on, it exports fine. Is this that block naming issue? Haven't hit this one yet, so I thought I'd ask...

2006-03-21, 08:41 AM
Yes, I noticed that too and I can confirm it really works right if you export to AutoCAD from sheet instead from view...

Andre Baros
2006-03-21, 06:07 PM
Confirmed, but only with the latest build. We exported drawings from a workstation with an older build the other day with no problems from the views.

Can anyone un-officialy confirm that this problem is fixed in the "next build" or if we need to send this to the factory?

2006-03-21, 07:12 PM
I just tried exporting with a different version of Revit too, and it worked fine. Must be a bug in the latest Revit Build we got going here...

Wes Macaulay
2006-03-21, 09:12 PM
With projects started in 8.0 and 8.1 and now working in 8.1, I can export just fine from views using build 20060124_2200.

2006-03-21, 10:02 PM
With projects started in 8.0 and 8.1 and now working in 8.1, I can export just fine from views using build 20060124_2200.

What about a plan where the cut plain isn't cutting anything, and everything is "beyond" ala a roof plan... just wondering. Because the other plan views export fine in this project, it's only this one, and it's only on the build the user has, for it works in mine... I'll get that build number later...

2006-03-22, 04:35 AM
I've been able to export to dwg from views and we're not on the latest build. I recently had a problem exporting to 3D DWF, which was locking-up Revit. Support told me the latest build took care of the problem, which is how I found out we weren't updated, and that our current build has some exporting issues.