View Full Version : stretching blocks - a tale of two workstations

2006-03-21, 06:22 PM
This is IN MODELSPACE .....

At my co-worker's workstation:
A co-worker enters the stretch command and selects various line objects and such as well as a couple of blocks and stretches them along the X axis by 45' (for example). All line objects and such move except for the block. It stays in the same position and requires an individual 'move' command.

I hear some pissing and moaning about it .... so I try it ...

At my workstation:
I enter the stretch command and selects various line objects and such as well as a couple of blocks and stretch them along the X axis by 45' (for example). All line objects and such move INCLUDING the blocks.

It's obvious to me that this is a switch within AutoCAD ... but I can't remember what it is. I forgot to write it down when I had figured it out before.

Can anyone tell me what this is?

2006-03-21, 07:09 PM
Never mind.

I checked every single setting that I knew of ...

GripColor (just to see it)
GripHot (just to see it)

and so on ....

As it turns out ... the problem was the block's basepoint. It was about 5000' away from the block itself. Then, no matter how much you tried to stretch it, it would not work. I even tried a test. I created 2 blocks. One with a basepoint on an object, and one with a basepoint far away, and sure enough, stretch did not work.

So never mind ... and beware. When someone complains of "non-stretching blocks" don't forget to make sure the block's basepoint is within the stretch command's selection.

if that made any sense ....

2006-03-21, 07:15 PM
You are on a roll today, with the good advice. ;)