View Full Version : DWG civil info, and alignment issues

2006-03-21, 08:22 PM
We have an existing conditions model that we have started work on, and have recently recieved the civil info as a DWG, with topo in 3D and everything else in 2D. We basically have three DWGs, the topo with Z values, the property line in 2D, and the paths, roads, & building foorptint as 2D. All have a common 0,0 in Acad.

Given that, can someone describe the process we would go thru to
1: import the topo and make a surface.
2: place the property line accurately.
3: locate the building on the site (or the site under the building, if that is the case).
4: create 3D roads and paths from the 2D civil info, if possible.
5: define a meaningful relationship (ideally building corner) for exported DWGs so we can start coordinating with our 2d AutoCAD based Landscape Architects.

I know this is a big task, but I am not getting a sense of how to do this from the manual, and I am sure it is possible.


2006-03-21, 09:06 PM
So you don't have the contours, property lines, and site elements all in one file? If they are separate files, you could probably open one and Xref the others in, and then I'm pretty sure there's a way to combine all that into a single file (don't know AutoCAD well enough to do it), and then import that single ACAD file into Revit. Then you can make your toposurface from the contour lines and trace the other stuff for roads, property lines, etc.

2006-03-21, 09:24 PM
On a related note, a huge tip I just learned recently when dealing with civil info and true north is to set your project up as you want it on a sheet, then on your site plan change the view properties to true north. link your civil plan, move it and rotate it to align with your building, then select tools>shared coordinates>aquire, then select the civil dwg and boom, you now have the rotation needed and if you export from that view your building should drop right into their dwg.