View Full Version : Project Browsers and Dual Monitors

2006-03-21, 10:12 PM
So, I have been enduring the simple frustration of the moving project browser for some time, but my patience is short today so I am finally posting my complaint!!!

Here's the problem: I have two monitors. I use one as my working monitor, and the second to host the project browser. I simply drag the project browser over to the second monitor. However, when I open a family or any second file, THE PROJECT BROWSER JUMPS BACK TO ITS USELESS INITIAL POSITION!!! Why in the world does it move? I didn't ask it to?!

Anyways - I've looked through the options under settings, and I've never run across anything that allows me to keep the project browser to stay put. If anyone knows of a secret trick, I'd be very very grateful.


2006-03-21, 11:53 PM
Are you using Revit 8.1? I've never used Revit on dual monitors, but I know that in previous versions, whenever you would stretch or re-size the browser window to be wider, it would always revert back to it's default size when opening another project, or even when just switching views to another project that's already open. However, with 8.1 I noticed that the browser stays the same size for the duration of my Revit session, no matter what projects I open or close. I don't know if this would apply to having the browser on a separate monitor, though.

2006-03-22, 04:15 AM
Video card is the secret. I am using a Nvidia 6800 card with dual monitors. Using Nvidia software to setup "horizontal span" that sets single window spread across both monitors. Browser stays on left side. Tilling works across both monitors and windows can be resized to place on both monitors to maximize workspace.
