View Full Version : Libraries

2004-05-02, 03:27 AM
Just curious how people are handeling library updates. each release has a new set of libraries for that version. so if I have set up a library and intend to re-use it with the next release everything has to be "updated" when its loaded in. is there a global update routine somewhere to convert old libraries or does one just overwrite the old libraries, what if I set the libraries up in CSI categories? Seems like a hastle. just curious whats working for people

Henry D
2004-05-02, 04:16 AM
This is a link to a batch family file generator that upgrades families to the current release:


I spent a lot of time putting my families into CSI format, but after using that format for a while I stopped because I found that it was faster for me to access families when using Revit's original categories.

2004-05-02, 10:33 PM
Ditto, I keep Revits families in their standard out of the box categories for this reason also.
Same thing with custom families, makes it easier to find what you want down the track.

2004-05-03, 07:18 PM
To continue this topic with a different type of library.
Material Libraries.
What do all of you do with and how do you manage your's. Revit includes updated libraries with each version. But I find i am still using the libraries i had with 5.1. I am losing functionality by doing this?
Any thoughts would be appreciated.
