View Full Version : Group Error

2006-03-24, 10:06 PM
I have a group of a panel which I saved as a group file and imported it in a new project so I can edit it as necessary. I've been doing this after reading some suggestions posted here and it has been working fine.

Today I added an in-place wall family to the group and when I try to swop the old group with the newly imported one, I get this error message:

"Can't make change to Group "Panel" with more than one instance. To resolve: Ungroup and Group again under a new name. Edit and make change, then change all instances of the original Group to the new Group."

I have no clue what it's talking about! The name is unique within my project and when I insert a new instance, it works fine. I only get this error when I try selecting an instance of a group to change it to this new one. Any ideas?

2006-03-25, 12:02 AM
Well I found what's causing the error, and I think there's a bug.

I had a sweep in my in-place wall and I used the pick path option. Somehow Revit had a problem with it and once I took the sweep out, it worked and didn't generate that error, which doesn't even relate or make any sense. Then I went back and did another sweep, this time drawing the path. I saved the group back out, imported it back and it worked just fine. I might send this to support.

2006-03-25, 03:15 PM
You should

2016-11-03, 08:38 PM
I recognize the original post is 10 years old, so I'm mainly replying as a reference for others who arrive here looking for solutions.

I'm having trouble with this error too, but in a different scenario.

I imagine that in this case, using the pick tool to generate the sweep path locked that path to the geometry from which it was generated. So, if the external geometry changed, the sweep path would change accordingly. If another instance of this group was placed, it wouldn't have that external geometry to define it, thereby making it impossible to generate. If, perhaps you made sure the sweep path wasn't locked to the external geometry, or alternatively included the external geometry with the group, would that solve the error?