View Full Version : Parametric Reveals

cliff collins
2006-03-27, 03:33 PM
Did a search, and found a few threads on this subject, but they did not give complete answers--so:

We have projects which contain a multitude of reveals. We are trying to devise a way to make them parametric. Here are some things we have thought of/tried:

1. Make a Reveal Profile Family with parametric/adjustable reveals. We used an array,
dimensions w/ parameters for number of reveals, spacing, overall height, etc. We used formulas to divide height/number of reveals, etc. This worked/"flexed" in the family itself, but when loaded into project did not work properly--no control of parameters for the reveals.
Seems as if the Reveal Profile family does not work with arrays?

2. "Embed" a curtainwall into the wall which needs reveals. Use "cut geometry" to subtract out the reveals using the embedded curtainwall? This will give control of horizontal and vertical locations of reveals with the curtain grid. Questions is, can the mullions be used as a "void" to cut out the reveals? And can the embedded curtainwall
be positioned within the wall to be cut so the reveals are at the correct depth at the surface
of the exterior wall?

We of course could build the horizontal reveals into the wall style itself--but what to do for vertical reveals?

Has anyone else come up with a way to have parametric control reveals? any thoughts/comments appreciated...


2006-03-27, 03:55 PM
R9 will have some things to make this simpler....

2006-03-27, 03:59 PM
Curtain wall panels with reveals built into the family with parameters seems to be the most powerful way to study various sizes.

cliff collins
2006-03-27, 04:13 PM

We have the beta version of R9--any clues here? I don't see anything...


2006-03-27, 04:53 PM
Questions is, can the mullions be used as a "void" to cut out the reveals?

No, mullions cannot be made as voids, sorry to say. Mr Brown's approach is the way to go if you need to see your reveal width and cut. There is a little overhead though; you end up making wall layers in your panel family that should be parametric and tagging requires a little tweaking. Also you have to make funky corner panels.

We just use the curtain wall type adjust it's rules, host regular walls instead of system panels and no mullions. Then you can use the great rules based grid to modify your reveals. The drawback... your reveals are not modeled.

2006-03-27, 05:41 PM

We have the beta version of R9--any clues here? I don't see anything...

The new line based family works slick.