View Full Version : trim and erase outside polyline

2006-03-27, 06:44 PM

Is there a LISP routine available or a series of commands in ACAD 2006 that would trim and erase all elements outside a specified polyline (shape)? The command EXTRIM works fine as far as trimming everything at the polyline, but then I would like to erase any elements left outside the polyline. Thanks for any help with this.


2006-03-27, 07:27 PM

Is there a LISP routine available or a series of commands in ACAD 2006 that would trim and erase all elements outside a specified polyline (shape)? The command EXTRIM works fine as far as trimming everything at the polyline, but then I would like to erase any elements left outside the polyline. Thanks for any help with this.


...after using Extrim

I use ToolPac (http://www.dotsoft.com/toolpac.htm), Object, Erase, Outside Objects (or Inside Objects depending on situation).

Manually, you could do an Erase ALL, then do a remove using a Window Polygon, picking the points of the polyline.

Or create a lisp to do the above.

2006-03-28, 12:12 PM
Thanks for your suggestions. I ended up creating a script file that does an erase all, then remove, etc. Is it possible to create a LISP routine with EXTRIM at the beginning followed by a command to activate the script file? Thanks again.


2006-03-28, 01:02 PM
(defun c:foo ()
(command "._script" "test.scr")

2006-03-28, 02:57 PM
Works great!! Thanks very much.
