View Full Version : Scope Box Heights

2006-03-28, 08:25 PM
Hi Guys n Gals

Probably an easy question but its late here and I'm tired.

OnceI have drawn a scope box at say a height of 5000mm is there any way of chaning the height of it apart from using the on screen pull arrows.

I am after a way of chaging theproperties of the box so I cant type in a number - not just doing it "by eye" so to speak.

Any comments greatly received.

once again and as always - thanks in advance.

Dave - Dark Rainy Wales (UK) Tonight

2006-03-28, 09:29 PM
No, just the grips. A scope box isn't really intended to be precise but it would be consistent and nice if we could edit the height in the properties dialog eh?

2006-03-28, 09:46 PM
Having played with scope boxes all evening I figured just as much

...ah well "by eye" it is then.

Many thanks for reply Steve

